Friday, June 11, 2010

I want to write again.

My life lately has felt consumed lately with the lives of my children. I know that is what I signed up for when we started this adventure of parenthood. Most days I am content with that and find joy in the journey. Yet sometimes, I struggle with feeling like I'm losing myself in the process.

Who am I? What is my purpose? What impact am I making on anything? I know. When I sit down and think on it with a logical process, I can answer all those. Yet the feelings are still there. Feelings aren't to be trusted. They aren't always accurate. I know. I know.

In the feeling "lost," I feel like I've lost my voice. I want to write. I loved the feeling of a completed thought and project as I would leave a post out there for "someone"...."anyone" read. But when I have sat down here lately, there has been nothing. Nothing to write about.

Seems like a crazy thought, but I'm sort of praying that God would give me something to write about again. My heart yearns for it.