Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Trying Something New

I'm getting brave.

I have a cousin who is probably one of the most driven people I have ever met. She has no fear of trying something new. It seems like she is always in the pursuit of conquering something new. I am in awe of her. I wish that I could be like her.

Me? I'm the coward. I'm the one who has all these dreams floating around her head. I'm pretty sure that few, if any of these dreams will ever come through. Lots of reasons. Money. Fear. Lack of motivation. Fear. Procrastination. Fear.

Catch the theme?

It is that fear of failure that just keeps me from even attempting to learn something new. Even with "schooling" Luke, I proceed with fear. I've already screwed him up, I'll probably screw him up more!! Each day I find myself beating down the thought of giving up. Yet there is a part of me that says that this is one area that I cannot give into fear and give up. That's why Luke and I are where we are. He was fearful and gave up.

So, I look at my cousin and all the things that she has done and I find myself motivated. She taught herself how to play the guitar. I haven't actually heard her play, but it sounds like she taught herself really well. So, I thought....if she can do it, so can I.

A few months back, I bought a CD/DVD kit on how to learn to play the guitar. I pulled it out last week and have committed to "practicing" every week day. I say practice lightly because I don't feel like I'm making a lot of headway. I've "learned" a couple of chords. But I can't transition between them very well at all. I struggle even with learning the right "tension" to place on each string. AND....my fingers HURT!! I almost feel like I'm losing feeling in them. I hope they toughen up!!

So. I've 'fessed up. I am hoping that with that confession will keep me honest. I will try to keep things posted as to my progress. Maybe God will speed my learning along. Wouldn't that be fun???