Saturday, January 7, 2023

My Hiding Place

Last Christmas, I was given a waxed amaryllis bulb. I’ll admit that, at first, I was underwhelmed by the gift. Even so, I placed it on my counter, wondered what I’d ultimately do with it, and went about my way.  Over time, this green stalk began to grow. I still was not impressed.  It kept growing and growing....and wouldn't you eventually bloomed!  It was a beautiful, stunning, gorgeous red bloom.  Wow!  Totally not what I expected! The bloom lasted a couple of days and then I trimmed it off.  It wasn't done yet!  It went through it's grow and bloom cycle one more time.  I enjoyed it.  Quite a bit.  

This Christmas, Costco was selling these bulbs in a pack of three. Tim was obsessed about getting them as gifts for people. His enthusiasm for them was a sight to behold.  Tim rarely gets himself hyped up about much of anything but he was hyped about these bulbs.  I mean.....hyped (I know...I'm as shocked as you!) He bought several packs and we passed them out to his family. There was a couple left over that we set on our counter to watch.  For a small glimpse of how Tim functions and a small taste of his enthusiasm, take a close look at the picture.  

Do you see the little tick marks on the green stalk?  Those are not *naturally occurring* marks.  Those lines perfectly epitomize my husband.  He was obsessed with seeing how quickly the bulb grew.  (They grow remarkably fast)  He loved checking on it to see its daily growth.  I'm almost surprised that there are no dates written beside each tick mark!  (I wonder if I asked him, if he'd remember how often he marked it.  Probably so.) He is so funny the things that he "obsesses" over.  (He will give me grief for using the word obsessed to describe anything about him.)

Don't you just wish that Jesus placed little tick marks on us that we could actually see with our eyes when we've grown a little?  Tick marks to see that we actually did grow even though we don't *feel* like we've grown.  If I'm honest, I wish that I had tick marks all over me. This upheaval that I've been floundering through has left me feeling more like I'm in a state of decay rather than in a state of growth.  Mark me up, Jesus. Please!

As Jesus has been teaching me to sing the last couple of days, I've been singing "You are my Hiding Place" over and over and over. In fact, it's like it's the only chorus that I can remember right now.  So today, during my prayer time, I went straight to the source to see why it is that Jesus has me singing this song right now.  So, to Psalm 32 I went where verse seven says:

You are my hiding place; You, Lord, protect me from trouble; You surround me with songs and shouts of deliverance.  

This is from my amplified Bible, but Psalm 32:7 is practically verbatim the words used for You are My Hiding Place.  So good.  Why did you send me to this song, Jesus?  Besides the obvious, of course.  So I started at verse one.  This psalm is about the "Blessedness of Forgiveness and of Trust in God."  That is how my amplified Bible summarized this chapter.  It's a psalm of David.  A man after God's own heart who still sinned.  A lot.  God loved David, forgave him, and used him.  God told David he was a blessed because God forgave his sins.  David talks about how he wasted away, and his energy was drained, when he had unconfessed sins in his life.  David tells how he told God all his sins and God forgave his guilt.  And then the blessings...the favor shown by God in His forgiveness.  

  1. God is near.  He will be found (vs 6)
  2. When the great waters [of trial and distressing times] overflow they will not reach [the spirit] in me. (vs 6)
  3. He is my hiding place. (vs. 7) 
  4. He will protect me from trouble (vs 7)
  5. He surrounds me with songs AND SHOUTS of deliverance. (vs7)
This time of upheaval in my life has left gaping wounds.  At times, I have felt far from favor.  Jesus and I have done a lot of talking about it.  I've taken responsibility for my part in things....and now He's working on me forgiving the parts that were done to me.  It's hard.  I've been silent about most of it. the point that I've felt like I'm wasting away.  As I've been blogging about it, I find that Jesus is using my words to help heal me.  He's placing a tick mark on my heart, so I can look back and see that I've grown, even if it's a tiny bit.

Hard times are going to come.  I love how my amplified Bible said "great waters [of trial and distressing time] (and I've been through a few) OVERFLOW they will not reach [the spirit] in him."   Trials and distressing times will overflow (to the point of feeling like I'm drowning?) but God promises that they will not reach the spirit in me.  I'm gonna hide myself in Him.  I'm going to listen to His songs of deliverance that surround me.  I'm gonna echo the shouts of victory He has declared.  

You are my hiding place.
You always fill my heart
With songs of deliverance
Whenever I am afraid 
I will trust in You

I will trust in You
Let the weak say 
I am strong 
In the strength of the Lord


Christine said...

Marks are one week apart. When it bloomed last week, vertical growth stopped as I assume all its energy is going into the bloom-Tim