Wednesday, October 15, 2008


Today I have been blown away at the competition that is happening in the world of U10 Soccer. (Under 10 soccer) Personally, I have been looking forward to the outdoor soccer season ending. I'm burned-out big time on the go, go, go-ness of our schedule. I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel....maybe.

Tonight, though, I have been wondering if, in reality, our soccer life is kicking into high gear. Withing 36 minutes of each other, we had 3 calls recruiting Daria to play on their indoor soccer team for the winter. They were all from the same team!!! With the fun of caller-i.d., I know the exact times of each call.

As we were headed out the door for soccer practice, at 4:53 p.m., we received the first call. It was a mom of one of the players....feeling out our interest and whether it would be okay if the coach could call us. I sort of left it open as a possibility for us. Since we were literally in the van on the way to soccer practice when she called, we missed the next 2 calls. At 5:01 p.m., we get the second call...from the coach himself. He chose not to leave a message. At 5:29 p.m., the team mom calls us to chat with us about the team. She left a message, so I returned her call this evening just to let her know we were thinking about it.

I find this hot pursuit to be absolute craziness!! Part of me is loving the attention that she is getting. I am amazed at the interest!! Personally, I think Daria is an awesome player. I guess it does my heart good to see that others agree! But the other part of me thinks that this is just lunacy....pure lunacy. Do these people really understand what they're doing????

The other part of the craziness, is that Daria's assistant coach has been advocating to get Daria on the elite U10 team here in town. In fact, he has arranged to have her and another girl (his daughter) practice with this team to see what the coach thinks. That happens tomorrow night and I'm kind of curious to see how that develops out. From the discussions that I have had with this assistant coach, it sounds like he has been advocating for Daria pretty hard. I find that absolutely stunning.

I think I am mostly amazed about it because she is nine years old. I never pictured her soccer world being this competitive at this early of an age. But then again, I never imagined that she would be as good as she is at nine years old!! Whatever happened to carefree childhoods and playing a game for the sheer joy of it? So far, I don't see her getting burned out on it. She seems to soak up any opportunity that she can.

Guess I will have to report back in the next few days or so. Her current coach hasn't asked me anything about whether Daria is going to play with this team during the winter. That is interesting.

This all just blows my mind.