Friday, July 11, 2008

One Week to the Day.

My son cracks me up. He reminds me so much of myself some time. I haven't decided if that is a good thing....or a bad thing. Poor boy.

Last Friday, Caden lost his tooth. In the grass. Forever. The funny thing about that wasn't even the tooth that was the loosest. That tooth's faithful companion has been dangling by a thread for about a week. I've been telling him to just yank it for several days now. Or at least let his dad yank it. He would have none of that.

That is the part that reminds me of myself. I never did have the courage to allow my Grandpa to pull my loose teeth with the pliers. sister....she seemed to have no problem with it. I do have a horrid memory that involved my Dad, Grandpa, a piece of string and hanging upside down screaming bloody murder. If I remember right....they really did lose my tooth....but maybe my memory has gone awry through the years. Stranger things have happened. Anyway....I was quite content to just let those teeth fall out....all by themselves.

Today, Caden finally lost that tooth. At one point he comes in and starts wagging his head back and forth at me. That tooth was little just waving in the breeze. Just as I was thinking to myself that that tooth was going to be out by the end of the day....Caden exclaims: "I lost my tooth. I lost my tooth!" At least this time, he found it after he lost it!! His excitement over losing those teeth just crack me up. One would think it was Christmas morning with all the hullabaloo he puts off. is a cute picture of Boy with Hole in Mouth.