Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I realized this afternoon, that I don't think I have done a Thankful Thursday post since school let out. At least. Shameful.

I definitely feel like I need to get back on the Thankful Bandwagon today. It has been difficult to get back into the Groove of Life after a week of vacation. It hasn't helped that I came home to a filthy house, loads of laundry, tons of unpacking, and several requests for babysitting. Nothing like coming home and hitting the ground running. I have felt like running away all week long.

So...get busy and get thankful. Life is too short.

  • Today I am thankful that I am able to be home with my kids. I have to remind myself of that every once in a while. I forget that being able to listen to my kids argue, picking up their messes, and having a constant influx of friends is a gift. It is a gift. Thank you, Jesus.
  • I am thankful that my house is getting clean. I decided not to kill myself cleaning house. So, I have done a little here....a little there. At least I am no longer wanting to throw piles of stuff out the windows anymore. Peace is beginning to reign once again.
  • I am thankful for Good Neighbors who watered my plants while we were gone. I was amazed at how much things grew while we were gone!! Wow. Thank you!
  • I am thankful for packages that arrived two months too late....but really....arrived just in time. I feel blessed.
  • I am thankful that my vacation blogging is now caught up. Don't forget to look for my Fourth of July post. Scroll down....I finished it tonight. Yeah!!