Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Happy 300th Post!!

I thought that I would do a goofy, fun thing for my 300th post. But instead, I am just going to do a great big....


for my 3ooth post.

Today, I was so discouraged helping Luke do his homework. He's in kindergarten...so it isn't rocket science. He just needed to practice writing a couple of letters. No big deal. But, still it took us almost an hour. Granted...a lot of it was chatting....etc. But on one of his letters that we were "reviewing" it was like we had never done it before. And it was an easy one...the letter "c." Yikes.

So, we finished up. I went and picked up Caden and Daria from school. I picked up the mail and there was a post card. Only a post card. From Luke's teacher. She said:

Dear Christine and Tim,

Luke is such a joy! He has a sweet personality and tries very hard. He has a giving heart.

Mrs. Sharp

Can I just tell you how much this Mommy heart needed that today? Thank you, Jesus!

An awesome 300th post!!