Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sweet Words

I'm not sure if it is just because Luke is my baby....or the fact that everything in life he has resisted, but I have been so worried about kindergarten. I have prayed for months that Luke would love school...and would love learning. I so did not want each school day to become a battle of the wills. Luke and I have battled enough over the years. (Better watch what I say....I'm pretty sure the battles aren't done!) But school...I just didn't want to battle over school.

Can I just say how sweet it has been to hear every day after school...."Mom, I had fun today." Or like today: "Mom, I had a great time today." It makes me want to do a little jig right there. It was especially good to hear that today, because this morning, he said he didn't want to go to kindergarten. And how long do I have to go to school? (Until you're 22, buster!)

As I am praising God for the answer to this prayer, I am hopeful for the second half of those prayers. I have also been praying that Luke would surprise me academically. For some reason, I have felt like Luke would be the child that would show the most signs of struggle academically. I've been mentally bracing myself for the work ahead. I pray that I am not projecting his difficult childhood years into his school years. Oh how I want my son to succeed.

And have fun doing it!