Monday, September 22, 2008

More....for me than for anyone else....

After I received the message from Daria's coach, I sent him a thank you. I appreciated him so much taking the time to write Daria that message. He sent me a reply just now, and I just wanted to post it so that it was with all the "stuff" that I want to store up and ponder in my heart.....

Hey Christine,

Your very welcome. I tend to have a knack for timing when its needed
it seems.

I hope the intent from that one parent saying Daria should not be in
PDP, is that she should be in classics instead. Otherwise they have no
concept of this game. If Daria ever doubts herself, and you feel I can
help out at all, please let me know. I promise to do it in a way that
won't come out like "well your Mom said". Daria is one of the
strongest players in both our Rec and PDP teams, hands down.

FYI: At yesterdays game, in between her two goals while fighting for
the ball as it came out of bounds, it happen to be headed directly my
way and I saw a look in Daria's eyes that I hadn't seen before. It was
that one look that caused me to write Daria and as a coach, be very