Thursday, September 18, 2008

Thankful Thursday

After two and half weeks of school, I think I am finally accepting my lot in life of busyness. Either that or I am finally finding some structure and routine amidst the chaos. Either way, I think I am getting the hang of things. I could have myself totally deluded, too!

So, as I start to get into a new routine, I find that I need to be thankful once again. It helps that I have much to be thankful for! Let's get down to business....

  • I am thankful for a good start to what looks like a good year. All of my kids seem to be adjusting fairly well to the back-to-school routine. That is a blessing.
  • I am thankful that Luke is really enjoying kindergarten. He gets into the van at the end of each day with a huge smile on his face and talking excitedly. That is so cool. I got a chance to see him as he was walking down to class today. They have been learning sign language with their alphabet....and he was actually trying to do what his teacher was doing. He was so intent on watching and doing that he didn't notice me watching. I just loved seeing that focus. I had so worried that learning just wouldn't be his thing. Bonus: He really seems to be behaving in school. So good. I would not have thought that was possible a couple of years ago. Guess all that time spent praying about it has paid off.
  • I am thankful for Caden's soccer coach. He really seems to be doing a good job. He has a wonderful repoire with the boys and they all look like they are having a grand time. With three kids in soccer, we have had time conflicts with games, so I have yet to see one of his official games. I am hopeful that I will see one this weekend. He loves it.
  • I am thankful that Moms In Touch started up today. It was so nice to be able to spend that time in be reminded of the things that God was so faithful towards this year. So many answers to prayer. It sure bolsters my faith as we step into a new year with a whole new set of needs. God is good.
  • I am thankful for Daria's new teacher. So far, she seems to be a wonderful teacher and I am excited to start working with her some more. Another answer to prayer is that our MIT group prayed for a believing teacher for the 4th grade. God was so good to provide!!
So many things to be thankful for. I am sure that I have missed some things. Guess that means that I will have to have another Thankful week!