Thursday, January 17, 2008

Counting My Sprinkles

aka: Thankful Thursday!!

My family and I went to a fun birthday party this last Sunday for a Sweet little Girlie. We had a fun time. This party happened on the same day as the Sprinkles sermon at our church. Sweet
Girlie's mama planned a great party with an ice cream sundae bar. One of the toppings was sprinkles. There were cotton candy Disney Princess sprinkles....and another flavored Toy Story Sprinkle. When you think about it...there are lots of sprinkles.....all the colors of the rainbow. Every shape under the moon, too. Who knew? There are just a variety of sprinkles in life. Endless possibilities! (getting my point here????)

During the course of the party, Sweet Girlie managed to dump out one of those bottles of sprinkles. There were sprinkles everywhere! Bless Sweet Girlie and her mama! Mama handled it well. Then my husband made the perfect comment: "Looks like "Sweet Girlie's Mama" is counting her sprinkles." I noticed that she laughed....we all laughed. To me, it seemed as if the tension of the moment broke. I don't know if it did for Sweet Girlie's Mama, though. As I sit here contemplating counting my sprinkles of the week, I find myself realizing that in those times of stress...when our whole self is bound up in the mess of the moment....if we could find a blessing to acknowledge....maybe we could save ourselves a lot of stress. This seems to be my theme for the week.

Thus, today, I must count my sprinkles, for my life is truly beautiful and full of color!

  • Today I am thankful for my family. For my kids, who love me even when I make their lives miserable. For my husband, who attempts to temper his high-strung wife. For my sister, who does unexpected things. For my parents, who speak precious words. For my extended family who helps make fond memories.
  • I am thankful for my i Pod. I am having a lot of fun using it. It has been a good week for me, attitude wise. I love having praise music flooding me...instead of my grumbling heart. I've been listening to kLOVE today....writing down ideas of music to add. If you want to offer suggestions of your favorite praise song. Please do. You might have to leave a comment....but that won't hurt too much!!!
  • Lastly....I have been so thankful for the health of my family this week. As my attention has been drawn to the struggles of others with their health, I am so thankful. So very thankful. I know that my children's health could change in a flash; but, for now, I am so thankful. I will take the colds. I will take the flus. And I will be thankful.
How are the sprinkles in your life?


Anonymous said...

I'm thankful for my extended family and the memries also.
As far a music goes I got a cd many moons ago called the volcal union. They are all men sing acapella. Just a thought. Love you, Jennie

Tresa said...

Love the reminder to count my "sprinkles"! Love ya!