Thursday, January 10, 2008

Out of Commission

Thank you to all who prayed while I was feeling sick. I haven't been that sick in quite some time. It really was a "cleansing" experience! I am feeling much better now....just tired still.

Now that I am on the mend, my computer is out cold. We had been running on minimum for a couple of days. Then my computer gave up the ghost and has been out for 2 days now. Tim has put endless hours in trying to get it back. Hopefully tonight.

Right now, I am taking a few minutes at church to borrow a computer. Luke is waiting patiently for me to be done so that we can go. I just thought I would mention that I am doing better.....but my computer is not. If you can pray for that!!!

Miss you all......


Anonymous said...

So glad to hear you're feeling better! I've been praying for you! Sorry about your computer, though.

Candi said...

Ugghhh....I hate when computers go out. Funny how much we learn to rely on them. When our computer went out, we were going to go to Comp USA to buy a new one. Problem was, we didn't know where the closest one was and had no phone book......and no computer!!! I ended up calling my sister and having her look up the closest one on her computer!!

Perhaps the worst thing, though, is that we lost about 8 months or so worth of pictures. My dh tried everything to retrieve them. Now, if we want them, we;ll have to pay several hundred dollars for them to be retrieved in a clean room.