Friday, January 4, 2008

Sins of the Mother

Daria and I had an interesting discussion last night about her soccer game. She took the loss of her last game pretty hard. She had a hard time looking past that one mistake to see the truth of how well she really did play all day. We had to do some praying about that last night....had to ask Jesus to help her see the truth. After a laugh about wanting to rip the heads off the other team, she really began to see the truth.

Today, as I was practicing my horn for playing on Sunday, I found myself doing exactly what my daughter did. I couldn't see past my little mistakes here and there to see how well I was doing the majority of the time. Hmmmm. I hate seeing my nastiness coming out in my children.

I see my nastiness coming out in my son, too. He can really be a little pill when things aren't going his way. He will push and whine until you want to just scream your fool head off. Hmmmm. I tend to whine and complain, too.....probably too much. Why can't my kids just pick up on my good traits....instead of throwing my icky ones back in my face? Ugh. Guess it just shows me how much I need to work on being a better Mom.

For are some pictures the coach sent over from yesterdays turney.

Here is Daria in action. Her face is kind of odd....but for some reason...I see myself in her face.

This next one shows the one way that Daria reveals her nerves. She chews her nails. I noticed today that her nails are pretty short!!! Her coach is explaining the shoot-out to the girls.

This pictures shows the true agony of the moment. I loved seeing all their crossed fingers!!! Based on the jersey of the girl on the far right....this is the shoot out for the game that we won. The one where Daria really smacked home a block!!

And here they are: The Sherwood Rockers!!