Thursday, February 28, 2008

Thankful Thursday

And I stand, I stand in awe of You
I stand, I stand in awe of You
Holy God, to whom all praise is due
I stand in awe of You.

I don't know why it is that God still amazes me. Why am I surprised when God does something completely unexpected? With God, all things are possible. Today, I stand in awe of my awesome, amazing, surprising God.

  • I am so thankful today for the way God is using my MIT ladies. What an amazing, incredible, surprising time we had praying today. Caden's teacher is pregnant....due in about 3 weeks. Right now, the baby is breech. They are doing a procedure tomorrow to hopefully turn the baby. Also, it was discovered yesterday that her amniotic fluid is low. Chances are fairly high that they will take the baby by c-section tomorrow. Needless to say, Caden's teacher is a little nervous. She asked two of our MIT moms to pray for her. After our prayer time this morning, one of the moms suggested that we ask her if we could pray with her. She agreed! So, while one of us watched her class and got them to music, the rest of us were able to surround her, lay our hands on her, and pray with her. I find that utterly amazing! I believe that she has a Catholic she has knowledge of Him, but I do not know the true status of her heart in relation to God. I've been led to believe that she is not a believer. God knows. But, what an amazing thing!!! What God does through our prayers.....and what He may possible do with our prayers, I find totally, and utterly amazing. I stand in awe.
  • I thankful for another 100% that Caden got on his spelling test this week. I just love seeing the success.
  • I am thankful for the beautiful sunshine, the warm temperatures and the blooming flowers that hint at the hope of Spring. Today, it spoke volumes to me of God's love. I stand in awe.