Wednesday, August 6, 2008


I know that I have always been told not to assume anything in life. Yet how often do I assume something? Monthly? Weekly? Daily? Hourly?? Probably all of the above. It seems to me that we all seem to think that we know all there is about something or someone. If we are asked to our face, of course we will deny that we know all. Yet, with our actions and assumptions, we are actually saying that we know more than we really do.

How often do we not call a friend or family for help because we think that they will be too busy or won't want to help? How often do we base a decision believing that we know what the other person involved will think about it? We assume that we know what they are thinking and what they will say and there is no way to change their response. Assumptions seem to be the gumption of life.

I realized today how much I have allowed so much of my life to be governed by assumptions. I think I have been drowning in them. So...after being surprised by one assumption, I may have to dive in and deal with a few more.

Never assume anything.