Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Snap Out of It!!

If you care to look at the bottom of the post, you will see that I am writing this late at night....or early morning...all depends on how you look at it. I have been plain ol' overwhelmed with Stuff...with a giant ol' capital S.

As I climbed into bed tonight, my body ached, and my mind refused to settle in. So, I thought I would take the time to catch up my blog. Since last Thursday, life has been on the go. I will do a highlight post after I am done here. This week, everything seems to be coming in at once.

Soccer: Four nights a week. Sometimes until 8:00 at night. Last minute scrimmages we didn't know about. Coaches who have no business coaching. (It's only kindergarten. I'll get over it. Eventually.) Practices spread out all over Sherwood. The fast and most direct route to anywhere is still closed for construction. I'll get over it.

School: Open houses for kindergarten. Good thing. Fun thing. Timing stinks. I'll get over it.

Construction: Or should I say deconstruction. Messy. Dirty. Exhausting. Exhilarating. Finally. Timing partially stinks. I'll get over it.

Camping: Too much to do. Too little time. Not enough willing bodies to help. Too many interruptions. Will enjoy it once I'm there. I hope. Timing partially stinks. I'll get over it.

As I prepared to come on here and whine like my 7 year old, I first read my friend's blog. How appropriate for tonight. Someone else always has a harder situation than my own. As I take my eyes off me and get them where they need to be, please join me in prayer for my friend's sister.


Kristin said...

Thanks friend! Keep the prayers coming...
