Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Unique Experience

There are a lot of things that I love about my kids' school. Moving my kids into a charter school has been one of the best decisions I think we have made. I love the small atmosphere. I love the teachers that give above and beyond. I love that the principal, the secretary, the teachers know me by name...and know my kids by name. The principal even knows Luke by name....and he has yet to have a day of school yet.

I love that.

Daria has always done well in school. She is outgoing enough that she just jumps right in there. Caden has always been a little on the bashful side. Putting himself out there has always been very difficult. So, I have prayed lots. Usually I pray that his teachers will fall in love with him so that he won't be lost in his quiet world amongst a world of loud boys. So far....I have loved that his teachers have not allowed that to happen. I find that a blessing.

As we have drawn closer to a new school year, I've been a little nervous about his new teacher. I guess I have been nervous mostly because it is unknown. This teacher was new last year, and I haven't had the pleasure of Daria breaking them in!! I have had several mothers whose children have been through her class assure me that she is a wonderful teacher. I have taken a lot of peace away with that.

A couple of weeks ago, Caden's 2nd grade teacher sent out an email. She wanted to do home visits with all the kids. I find that extraordinary. To go visit 22 homes....before school starts....during her summer.....that is pretty incredible. Definitely above and beyond.

Yesterday was our home visit. Considering that Caden probably only said about 10 words the whole time she was here, I thought it went very well. He seemed to casually be "showing off" a little. I think having her here will definitely help the unease of the first day of school. Pretty cool. I will admit that I "cleaned up" a little for her visit....but I tried to "keep it real."

Today...we also stopped at the school to drop of Luke's paper work for kindergarten. He was a little excited about it. We ran into Mrs. Sharp...his teacher. She greeted him so well...with a nice little hug. Luke even wrote his name for her on a piece of paper (yep...he finally learned to write his name!!) and gave it to her. It wasn't overly impressive...but she posted it on her bulletin board...and Luke was pretty proud.

We also met Daria's teacher. They hired a new fourth grade teacher this year. She called yesterday and I visited briefly with her. Then she introduced herself to me today when I was there. I was glad that we met her as Daria had asked about her.

So....good things. Good start for the year. I'm thinking we're in for a good one!