Wednesday, August 27, 2008

God of Lost Causes

Today....I am hitting the red zone in regards to my stress levels. I've been doing a bunch of biting my tongue and swallowing nasty thoughts. As I tackle one job down...another one seems to come popping up. Even as I write this, I am just shaking my head with the unending insanity of it all.

Right now, I've hit a wall. I think I may need to pack it in for the night before I melt away. Somehow, we have misplaced a shin guard. Silly thing. But I noticed last night that it wasn't with it's pair. I figured for sure that it would surface while doing laundry. It hasn't. Not a big deal. Don't need it until tomorrow. Yet as my thread of sanity gets a little skinnier, I realize that I need to do some things ahead of time. I did a quick gander through the most probable shin guard. I have until 4:30 tomorrow afternoon to find it before I revert in time to become a tissy-fit-throwing 2 year old.

Lord, help us.

Anyway, tonight I am tired and this feels like too much. Dumb. I hate that.