Don't know when we'll be back again...
Wouldn't that be nice? Actually, the only truth in those words is that we are leaving. We are leaving in a loaded up mini-van and utility trailer. We'll be back on Monday. Sort of wish we were headed to a 5 star hotel with a swimming pool and a coffee bar....but instead we are headed to the middle of no-where to camp. Showers cost about 25 cents for a minute or so. Sleeping on the floor...and playing in the dirt. The kids will be in 7th heaven....I might make it to a 4th or 5th heaven. Ha.
The kids have been camped out in the van for the last hour or so. Tim and I have been hurriedly packing last minute stuff. I am about to vacuum out our stripped down house so that the floors can be replaced. I am exhausted. My mind has been working overtime once my bedraggled body has hit the pillow. Makes for short nights and long days. I'll probably spend the first half hour of the trip crying. Stress relief. Then I'll probably long as my husband stays awake at the wheel.
Guess I'll check in with you all on Monday. Have a wonderful weekend. Rest well.
I plan to.
Friday, August 29, 2008
'Cause We're Leavin' On A Jet Plane
Posted by
10:54 AM
Thursday, August 28, 2008
God of Lost Causes: The Conclusion
Fret not, my Child.
After my melt-down last night, over that final-straw lost shinguard, I took a moment to calm down and shot a little prayer regarding that poor little shinguard. I guess I was more praying for my sanity than I was for the lost shinguard. But at that moment, that shinguard was the link to my fraying sanity.
So, in my tentative calmness, I decided to take a quick gander through the boys' room. I didn't hold out much hope of finding it because I had just cleaned out their room. I swept the flashlight over Luke's bed. Nothing looked remotely like a shinguard. I lifted up the bed skirt....nothing promising. There was a treasure box under there. No reason for a shin guard to be in there...but might as well take a peek.
What do you know? The only thing in that box was that one, solitary shinguard. I'm not sure if someone was trying to play a joke. Or maybe God decided to divinely place it in there. Either which way, I decided it was a divine find. The only thing I could do was to breathe a sigh of relief.
And say Thank You.
Posted by
11:09 AM
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
God of Lost Causes
Today....I am hitting the red zone in regards to my stress levels. I've been doing a bunch of biting my tongue and swallowing nasty thoughts. As I tackle one job down...another one seems to come popping up. Even as I write this, I am just shaking my head with the unending insanity of it all.
Right now, I've hit a wall. I think I may need to pack it in for the night before I melt away. Somehow, we have misplaced a shin guard. Silly thing. But I noticed last night that it wasn't with it's pair. I figured for sure that it would surface while doing laundry. It hasn't. Not a big deal. Don't need it until tomorrow. Yet as my thread of sanity gets a little skinnier, I realize that I need to do some things ahead of time. I did a quick gander through the most probable shin guard. I have until 4:30 tomorrow afternoon to find it before I revert in time to become a tissy-fit-throwing 2 year old.
Lord, help us.
Anyway, tonight I am tired and this feels like too much. Dumb. I hate that.
Posted by
10:17 PM
Labels: life
Weekend Highlights
I have been wanting to get on here and debrief for days. Stuff, with a capital S, has been gnawing on my patootie since last Friday. Every time I would sit down to write, I would find myself dancing in my chair. My To-Do List seemed to be nipping at my ankles every time I would sit down. Impossible to focus on writing.
So, tonight, as I crawled into bed with an aching back and raw fingertips from pulling up linoleum, my mind decided that it would take over. (Nothing like playing tag team!) The best way to defeat the mind is just to empty it. So, here I am. I have already dumped regarding The Capital S Stuff in my previous post....if you don't mind a little whining and perspective, read on after this one. So, now I need to dump about my weekend. It was say the least.
Daria was in another soccer tournament. Two games on Friday. Two games on Saturday. And a championship game on Sunday. See if can tell from the picture what color her medal is. (By the way...the girl standing to the right looking at her medal? Her name is Daria, too!! Can you believe that???)
I was very pleased that her team came in second out of fourteen teams. She played really well. The last game, her team fought hard and played a great game. A little perceived show-boating by the other team left them feeling a little demoralized, I think. So, I think it took them a while to appreciate their silver medals. It probably didn't help any that they were pretty much exhausted! By the next day, Daria was pretty excited about it...and was determined to become even better at soccer. I reminded her that to have fun and play her best is all that matters. The rest is cake.
Our weekend was also busy visiting good friends. Granted, the timing of the visits wasn't ideal...but it was fun to see them again. Friday night, we drove about an hour away to visit Tim's high school friend who was in town from Alaska. I wish I had pictures of him and his beautiful wife and daughter. Scott understands Tim so well and I usually come away feeling very validated about certain things. He has a great sense of humor and it is always fun to watch him and Tim interact. Some friendships will always remain timeless. We did stay there much too late that night, considering the fact that Daria had two soccer games the next day. 11:30 p.m. is way too late...but time sure flies!!
Saturday night, we dashed down to Salem to visit another one of Tim's high school friends who was in town from Southern California. I really enjoy visiting with them. Their families, their values, etc, seem to match ours so well. It is always refreshing to visit with them. I secretly wish for them to move back to the Salem/Portland area so that our families could be closer. Mike made a comment with the statement of 4 years in there. That gives me a little hope. Once again, 10:45 is much too late, considering the fact that Daria had played 4 games in the last two days and we had church and another game the next day. I guess I should be thankful that it wasn't 11:45!!
Sunday was packed full of non-stop fun. Church, of course, is always a highlight. Nothing out of the ordinary....but it charges one up. We dashed immediately from church to head to Daria's championship game. (Nothing like changing your clothes in the van!) As soon as the game was over and Daria had received her medal, we hopped into the van to head to Tilikum for our church picnic. That is always a lot of fun. The Big Swing is a highlight.....even for the adults.The only downer for the picnic was good ol' Oregon Rain. It sure has been a "wet" summer. It just seems like we have had more wet weather than normal for this time of year. I hope that isn't indicitive of our coming Fall and Winter. Boo hoo.
So there we are. At least 4 posts in one. Maybe it was a good thing I haven't had time to sit and blog. I could have bored you to tears.
Posted by
12:47 AM
Snap Out of It!!
If you care to look at the bottom of the post, you will see that I am writing this late at night....or early morning...all depends on how you look at it. I have been plain ol' overwhelmed with Stuff...with a giant ol' capital S.
As I climbed into bed tonight, my body ached, and my mind refused to settle in. So, I thought I would take the time to catch up my blog. Since last Thursday, life has been on the go. I will do a highlight post after I am done here. This week, everything seems to be coming in at once.
Soccer: Four nights a week. Sometimes until 8:00 at night. Last minute scrimmages we didn't know about. Coaches who have no business coaching. (It's only kindergarten. I'll get over it. Eventually.) Practices spread out all over Sherwood. The fast and most direct route to anywhere is still closed for construction. I'll get over it.
School: Open houses for kindergarten. Good thing. Fun thing. Timing stinks. I'll get over it.
Construction: Or should I say deconstruction. Messy. Dirty. Exhausting. Exhilarating. Finally. Timing partially stinks. I'll get over it.
Camping: Too much to do. Too little time. Not enough willing bodies to help. Too many interruptions. Will enjoy it once I'm there. I hope. Timing partially stinks. I'll get over it.
As I prepared to come on here and whine like my 7 year old, I first read my friend's blog. How appropriate for tonight. Someone else always has a harder situation than my own. As I take my eyes off me and get them where they need to be, please join me in prayer for my friend's sister.
Posted by
12:28 AM
Labels: life
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Doing the Thankful Dance!
Another Thursday. Another opportunity to be thankful. With Summer craziness...and the lack of school schedules....I keep forgetting to be thankful on Thursdays! Today had a little miracle in it and my Tim reminded me that it was a good to have it happen. When I told him of my little miracle his response was:
"How fun. I bet you're singing some praises and how appropriate that it's Thursday. Love ya!"
Well, I had been singing praises....but I hadn't realized it was Thursday. Better get busy and be thankful!!
A year or more ago, I lost the key to my curio cabinet. I have torn my house apart a couple of times looking for it. I really hate to lose things and it has been a burr under my saddle for quite some time. I have tried not to give it too much attention otherwise it would just drive me crazy. It really drove me crazy when my kids bumped it and a few things tipped over. Aaarrrggghhh. What to do when you can't get in there to straighten things?
In the process of trying to get in there, a little nub was broken off inside the lock. I thought for sure that there was no other way to get in. I even thought about taking off the back....but it has been stapled on and I could see no way in it without destroying it. A few weeks ago, I even tried to take the hinge pins out. No luck.
Now it has come down to this week. Another little miracle in my life, is that Tim has allowed us to hire someone to replace our flooring. That is happening next weekend. WOW. So, part of the deal is that we have to prep things to have that happen. Which means moving all the furniture that is upstairs, downstairs. Curio cabinet included. How was I going to do that without destroying all my pretties? Tim said we could move it carefully to the porch. I was horrified to think of putting out there for the whole weekend. Yikes!
As I dwelt on this matter, I remembered a vague suggestion that someone gave me a while ago. They suggested that I go to an antique shop and they might have key options for me. So, as a last ditch effort, I decided to give it a try today. I went down there...and for a $100 deposit, the owner let me take home a small rack of keys. I had some hope when he said that several others have done the same and have been successful. I was just worried about that broken-off nub.
Anyway...we dash home and I immediately start working on it. The whole time I am pleading with God to let it work. I had no idea what I would do if it didn't work. As the number of keys got less and less, I began to despair. Those curio keys need that little nub to turn. There was no way it was going to work.
Then I get down to the second to last key. It sort of jimmies in there a little. And then...the lock moved!!! I think I sat there stunned for a moment not comprehending what had happened. I tried the door...but it wasn't quite enough....but the key wasn't turning it anymore. I tried again. It didn't feel like it had moved...but when I tried opening the door again...IT OPENED!!!
I couldn't have been more shocked if I had stuck my finger in an electrical outlet. I just sat there with my mouth hanging open. I must have said something because my kids came over to check it out. Then we all did a little dance around the kitchen. It felt so good to reach in there and straighten everything up. I know I need to pack it up to move it...but for now it just felt so good to fix things up.
Oh to be thankful!! It feels so good. I am glad that God cares even about the little things. I feel so blessed. Yippee!!
Posted by
4:21 PM
Labels: blessing, Thankful Thursday
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Unique Experience
There are a lot of things that I love about my kids' school. Moving my kids into a charter school has been one of the best decisions I think we have made. I love the small atmosphere. I love the teachers that give above and beyond. I love that the principal, the secretary, the teachers know me by name...and know my kids by name. The principal even knows Luke by name....and he has yet to have a day of school yet.
I love that.
Daria has always done well in school. She is outgoing enough that she just jumps right in there. Caden has always been a little on the bashful side. Putting himself out there has always been very difficult. So, I have prayed lots. Usually I pray that his teachers will fall in love with him so that he won't be lost in his quiet world amongst a world of loud boys. So far....I have loved that his teachers have not allowed that to happen. I find that a blessing.
As we have drawn closer to a new school year, I've been a little nervous about his new teacher. I guess I have been nervous mostly because it is unknown. This teacher was new last year, and I haven't had the pleasure of Daria breaking them in!! I have had several mothers whose children have been through her class assure me that she is a wonderful teacher. I have taken a lot of peace away with that.
A couple of weeks ago, Caden's 2nd grade teacher sent out an email. She wanted to do home visits with all the kids. I find that extraordinary. To go visit 22 homes....before school starts....during her summer.....that is pretty incredible. Definitely above and beyond.
Yesterday was our home visit. Considering that Caden probably only said about 10 words the whole time she was here, I thought it went very well. He seemed to casually be "showing off" a little. I think having her here will definitely help the unease of the first day of school. Pretty cool. I will admit that I "cleaned up" a little for her visit....but I tried to "keep it real."
Today...we also stopped at the school to drop of Luke's paper work for kindergarten. He was a little excited about it. We ran into Mrs. Sharp...his teacher. She greeted him so well...with a nice little hug. Luke even wrote his name for her on a piece of paper (yep...he finally learned to write his name!!) and gave it to her. It wasn't overly impressive...but she posted it on her bulletin board...and Luke was pretty proud.
We also met Daria's teacher. They hired a new fourth grade teacher this year. She called yesterday and I visited briefly with her. Then she introduced herself to me today when I was there. I was glad that we met her as Daria had asked about her.
So....good things. Good start for the year. I'm thinking we're in for a good one!
Posted by
8:29 PM
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Saturday Night Fire
One of the things I love most about our house is the fact that our backyard backs up to a park. Really couldn't ask for anything better. Especially when the part of the park that we back up to is rarely used.
Tonight, on our way home from working at the church garage sale, we noticed some smoke coming from behind our neighborhood. At first, we thought it might be our neighbor's BBQ. The color of the smoke didn't look right...and then as we got closer we could tell that it was further out than their backyard.
So, as Tim unloaded the kids, I decided to walk to the park and check out the smoke. As I got to the end of the trail, I could see that there was a fire in the trees behind the baseball fields!! Well, if that isn't unusual. Especially when the temperatures have been in the 100s for the last couple of days and conditions would not be ideal for a controlled burn. I started to dash home to call 911 when I noticed other people walking towards the fire and could hear the fire trucks coming.
Before the fire people arrived, I was able to get right up to the fire. It was fairly small in size....but as dry as things were, I was a little surprised that it hadn't spread a little faster. I was thankful that it was in a portion of the park that wasn't too close to homes. The bad was difficult for the firefighters to get to it. In fact, as we were standing there watching the firefighters come up through the park, one of the fighters asked us if trucks would be able to come through from the high school. I didn't find that overly reassuring that there wasn't some sort of plan set in place in order to fight potential fires. I hope that this will wake them up.
One thing of interest tonight was some information that I heard from a city employee. In the last week, four small fires had been put out in those woods. Kids apparently have been having fun setting fires in the woods. While we were standing there, some other people came up and said that the toilet paper was burning in the outhouses there at the baseball fields. Crazy!!!
Guess that I will need to be keeping my eyes open from now on. Part of me wishes that that part of the park was more visible. But, I am thankful that that fire wasn't too close to my house. Kudos to Tualatin Valley Fire and Rescue for getting in there and shutting it down as quickly as they did. Hopefully they will begin making plans for future trips into the park. It took longer than it should to get in there.
Craziness!! I hope they catch those kids!
Posted by
10:35 PM
Labels: life
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Yesterday I got my haircut. It looked so nice. Even my kids thought so and told me often. That was really nice. Even this morning, Luke woke up and told me: "Mom, you're haircut is still there!" I love what they do to my hair when they style it at the salon. I came out looking, and feeling like a princess. How do they manage to make it look so nice?
Of course, this morning, I wanted to make it look just like they did at the shop. Being the Hair Idiot that I am, I wasn't as successful as they were at the shop. They, of course, use products. Like Hair Smoothers...and flat irons. You do know that they "close the cuticles?" Sure....I knew that. Who doesn't?
Because I liked what they did to my hair, I went out and bought some products. Like Hair Smoothers....and flat irons. (I am sure I will now have to answer to Tim for these purchases. Hope he realizes what good therapy it is to feel good about oneself.) So, I bought the products, brought them home and attempted to use them. Of course, being the Goody Two-Shoes that I am, I had to read the directions.
One of my fondest memories of my college years, is the hours of laughing that my friend, Kristin, and I had. We could find the silliest things to laugh about. Like bouncing vegetables. Table dancing. And stupid statements on certain products. So I found it particularly humorous today as I read the following warning on my new product, my flat iron.
Never use while sleeping or drowsy.
Okay. Now I can totally understand not using a hot flat iron while drowsy. But while I'm sleeping?? Come on. I don't know about you, but when I am sleeping...I ain't using anything...but my pillow. And then....I am not sure I would really call that using. Using to me typically implies action. Sleeping is not action. It is the complete action of non-action...if you know what I mean.
So I see two possibilities here. One....Corporate America either thinks that the Average American Woman is the ultimate multi-taskers and can even multi-task while we sleep. Or Two....they think that the Average American Woman is a complete idiot.
You choose.
Personally....I think that Corporate America are the complete idiots.
Posted by
4:18 PM
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Hope Deferred
That is the phrase that has been rumbling around in mind today. For a while, I had a hope that was completely squashed. I prayed about that hope for quite some time. Then, I was bold and I talked about that hope with Tim. I assumed his answer and I was wrong. That was a joy.
Yesterday started the fulfillment of that hope. At least I hope so. Today I am just sick, waiting. There are a lot of factors that come into play to have this longing fulfilled. I'm not sure what I will do if I come so close to having that longing fulfilled, only to have it ripped out from under me.
Oh. It just makes me so sick. The waiting is almost pure agony.
I have found that it is a little hard to pray about this possible fulfillment. Part of me feels that surely since God brought my husband so far that He won't take me back again. Yet, the other part of me feels like I need to be prepared that the answer may not be what it needs to be. I think that is the part of me that is just sick.
I almost hesitate to write out this post. I probably shouldn't since Tim will probably read it. I don't want to guilt him into fulfilling my longing if things don't go the way I am praying they will. I need to be prepared that we might have to go back to square one.
An opportunity to grow my faith. Sometimes the growing pains are uncomfortable.
Proverbs 13:12
Posted by
11:49 AM
Labels: Faith
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Being Brave
In a couple of weeks, my life is going to be taking a fairly major change. Luke, my baby, heads to kindergarten. So, for the first time in over 9 years, I will have some hours to myself while he is in school. I amazed at how just about everyone that I talk to asks me: "What are you going to do with yourself?" Like I would be bored or something. The only thing that I can think of is that I will finally be able to do a lot of things that I haven't before. I have no concerns with how I will fill my time, I am more worried that I will over fill my time.
I've got plans.
One of my dreams that I have had for some time is to learn to play the guitar. I always said that when the kids were all in school, I would finally take lessons. I always said that because it was such a long way off. Now that the reality of my kids being in school is now looming large in my vision, I must now step up to the plate and do what I said I always wanted to do.
So for the last couple of weeks, I have been half-heartedly pursuing a guitar teacher. I'm just a tad nervous about it. I have touched a guitar....but I certainly am a beginner in every sense of the word. I'm pretty sure if I picked one up, I could actually hold it facing the right direction! I've decided that I am going to post about this on my blog so that I create some sort of mental accountability about this. It is easy for me to procrastinate away and delay making a commitment. Now, I have made it public and it makes it that much harder to avoid it.
I just sent off an email to obtain information about a possible teacher here in town. That was a big step. I've been thinking about that email for over a week now. Now I am waiting for a response. Then I have to get the courage up to call the teacher....that is if they are still teaching...and are giving lessons during the hours Luke is at school. If that doesn't pan out, I have one more option to pursue...then I don't know from there.
I guess time will tell.
Posted by
10:08 AM
Labels: life
Saturday, August 9, 2008
I find my memory to be a sketchy thing. I have often wished that my memory was like a movie tape that I could rewind and watch over and over again with complete accuracy. Instead, I find my memory more like snapshots captured in random moments. Sometimes the snapshot is distinct evoking strong feelings. Other times the snapshots is hazy and somewhat undefined. Nebulous. Completely nebulous and undefined. Fickle, even. Certainly, my memory seems to have a mind of its own. I have no say over what memories are captured and which ones fade into generalizations. If I could harness the force that makes one memory stronger than another....what power I would have.
Tonight, a snapshot of a memory beckoned to awareness tonight. A memory of safety. Of certainty. Of security. Unfortunately, this snapshot is one of those hazy pictures. There are points of it that I feel are distinct enough that if I were placed in the location again, I would know it for certain. Yet, the actions and possible words spoken are completely non-existent. In some respects, I am a little frustrated that the memory is only a snapshot instead of a movie reel. But maybe all that matters is the feeling that surrounds it.
The snapshot came tonight as I lay next to my son. He had awakened in the night for some reason. His cries of distress were what brought me to his bedside. He declared that it was his leg that hurt. So, I rubbed his leg for a while. Finally, I felt him start to relax. So, I leaned over and asked him if he was better. Yes was his mumble. And then he told me that he wanted me to stay for a while. So, I crawled into bed next to him, and listened as his breathing soon began to signal that sleep grabbed him once more. Was he really in pain? Or did he just need a feeling of security for some reason?
As I laid there contemplating that wonderful sense of being needed, that snapshot of memory came to me. The distinctive that I remember was that I was in the hospital. Apparently I was in the hospital a lot when I was little. It was late. Everyone in our shared room was asleep. I was in a bed that had bars that "locked" us in at night so we couldn't get out. If I remember correctly, I had wet my bed and woke up crying. The nurse came in and my impression is that she wasn't too pleased with the situation. I do remember crying for my mom. The next distinctive I have is of my mom arriving. I don't know where she came from. I don't know where she had been. But when I needed her...she was there. And apparently that was enough.
For that is where the snapshot ends.
Posted by
12:57 AM
Labels: Family
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The last couple of days I have been contemplating what my schedule will be like for the next 2 1/2 months. Insane. I could come up with a whole litany of words to describe my coming days. But, that task alone would be daunting enough.
Tim and I signed up all three kids for soccer this fall. Daria, in fact, is signed up for two teams. I think that I had a temporary brain toot the day that I decided that was a good idea. So, here is what my weeks will look like for the next couple of months. 8 soccer practices. Four games. All in one week. That is just our soccer routine. That does not include school, homework, piano, church activities, friends, etc. Just soccer.
Lord, help me.
I think for the last day or so, I have almost been frozen by the weight of my coming schedule. It is daunting. Daunting is to abate the courage of; discourage. I am trying very hard not to be discouraged by the craziness that I see ahead of me. I'm trying hard not to feel overwhelmed. I am trying hard not to feel like accomplishing anything will be why bother.
Sometimes, I just sit here and mentally stare off into space. I'm not sure if I am trying to garner peace into my corner to hold me over until this Soccer-Go-Round stops or if I am just in plain ol' shock that I allowed this scheduling snarl to happen. I imagine that it will be a whole new proving ground for me. A new area to grow and learn. I may have to organize and restructure my life in a way that maybe should have happened a long time ago.
I imagine that all that restructuring is going to cause a minor uproar from my children. I imagine that things will get a little ugly before they get better. I imagine that I am going to have to ask God for an extra measure of grace....for us all. I imagine that we will all come out the other side....alive.
That's a good thing.
Posted by
4:56 PM
Labels: life
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
I know that I have always been told not to assume anything in life. Yet how often do I assume something? Monthly? Weekly? Daily? Hourly?? Probably all of the above. It seems to me that we all seem to think that we know all there is about something or someone. If we are asked to our face, of course we will deny that we know all. Yet, with our actions and assumptions, we are actually saying that we know more than we really do.
How often do we not call a friend or family for help because we think that they will be too busy or won't want to help? How often do we base a decision believing that we know what the other person involved will think about it? We assume that we know what they are thinking and what they will say and there is no way to change their response. Assumptions seem to be the gumption of life.
I realized today how much I have allowed so much of my life to be governed by assumptions. I think I have been drowning in them. So...after being surprised by one assumption, I may have to dive in and deal with a few more.
Never assume anything.
Posted by
12:23 AM
Labels: life
Monday, August 4, 2008
The Mom Phenomenon
There is a strange thing that happens around my house. I have tried to avoid it several times...but inevitably it overtakes me. It is futile to resist. Actually, I have learned to not avoid catches up with me eventually. In fact, it is almost comical in its consistency.
This phenomenon goes like this: Wherever Mom goes, the kids are sure to follow. Honestly, I have to laugh. If I want my kids to go outside, it is pointless to tell them to go outside. It doesn't last. So, I will often go outside. I don't even have to announce the fact. Often times, I just sneak outside. Within ten minutes or less, they will find me. Not one. Not two. But all three of them. It matters not what they are doing at the time, they have a hidden radar that tells them I have left the house.
Likewise, if they are involved outside, and I sneak inside...inevitably they will come trailing in about 5 minutes later. I have tried time and again to sneak in, or out, without being noticed. It is amazing how consistent they are. Crazy kids.
Tonight, they followed pattern. I was feeling a little kid-worn, so I stepped outside to water my flowers. Daria was playing on the piano....the boys were playing a game in the living room. Their dad was playing on the computer. I watched the clock tonight. 10 minutes. That was all it took for one...two...three kids to find their mom.
Do other kids have this hidden radar in regards to their moms? I often see kids climbing all over their dads. If their dad are available, Mom is cut loose. Doesn't seem to happen at my house. My kids don't even want to go to their store with just their dad. They usually ask if I am going along. If I am staying home, they stay home. If I go, they will go. Occasionally, one or two my go....and rarely will all three go. Crazy kids.
Hopefully this means that they love me. A lot.
Posted by
10:07 PM
Friday, August 1, 2008
Hip Hip Hooray....He did it!
I never thought that I would see this day come. All those who read faithfully know that Luke is about the most stubborn boy there is. When he has made up his mind that he isn't going to do something....let me tell you....he ain't going to do it. A couple of months ago, I wrote about him attempting to ride his bike without his training wheels. If you need reminded, click here. For the last couple of months, any discussion at all about taking off those training wheels has been meet with a stone wall. Ugh.
For the longest time now, Luke has been riding that bike with his training wheels up HIGH. I have noticed for a while now that the wheels were hardly touching. So, I started talking with him about it tonight. He kept blowing me off, telling me that maybe we will take them off tomorrow. Whatever.
So, I came in the house, this evening, and sat down to read my book. Caden comes running in to tell me that Luke had something to show me. So, what does that little man do? He climbs on his bike...without training wheels...and takes off. And do you know what he said? "I told you I could ride my bike without training wheels!" (Whatever!)
So, we all cheered "Hip Hip Hooray" a dozen times as we came in to get ready for bed. Me? I just took a deep breath and thought...."Phew. One thing down. A thousand and one to go."
Posted by
9:37 PM
Labels: Luke