Sunday, December 14, 2008

Color Me Christmas

Today it snowed. There is just something about snow and Christmas. They go together like bread and butter. Peanut butter and chocolate. Laverne and Shirley. Kids and Candy. (Tim wanted to add: Like Garlic Cheese biscuits and strawberry jam. Eeewww.) Enough of catch my drift.

I love the snow. I love how it covers over the dreary, gray landscape. I love how it frosts the trees just so. I love how it brightens the sky. I even love the orangish tint the sky takes on after dark when it is snowing. (If you think that is attention the next time it snows in the dark. I could always tell when it was snowing in the dark, early morning hours by the color of the sky. Trust me.) For me, if it isn't a white Christmas....something is wrong.

So today, with the snow coming down, I sort of rejoiced. It makes it feel so much more like Christmas. The boys and I headed out to the hill in the park and they spent a couple of hours roaring down the hills. I will admit that I joined them a couple of times. How could I resist? I find it amusing that my kids who can't pick up their rooms because they are too tired, can spend tireless hours soaring down the hill only to drudge back up a kazillion times. Such is life.

Snow, for our area, also means SCHOOLS CLOSED. Sure enough, they cancelled school for the day....for tomorrow, I mean. I usually enjoy those days because I like sleeping in just as much as the kids. BUT....I am no where near completed on my Christmas shopping. Monday was going to be my big day to get it all done....or mostly done. I was hoping, anyway. Now....I have all my kids home from school....Tim is taking the van because it has chains. So.....if I want to get any shopping done, I'll need to walk. With three kids who, I'm sure, will be too tired.

I guess to solve my Holiday worries, I will have to make some sugar cookie dough or something and keep the kids entertained. Guess I will just put all the shopping aside for the day and hope for the best. looks like Christmas out there. Yippee!!