Friday, March 21, 2008

7 Facts about Me!

I've been tagged by my friend, Candi. I guess that I am suppose to post 7 things about me. Hmmm. I've been thinking about this all night and all day. I've been pretty I'm not sure what I will share. I guess I will just muddle my way through.....

Rules are:
1. Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog.
2. Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird.
3. Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs.
4. Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.

Here we go......

1. When I was little, I had a favorite doll that I carried around with me all the time. She looked a lot like this. (I can't believe I found that by adding the word "vintage!!") I loved her a whole lot. My mom says that I loved her so much that somehow I would chew her mouth off. (Sorry!) My parents have some pretty cute pictures of me dragging my baby along with me. I even have one in a shoe box somewhere that my grandma found several years after we had lived with them for a while. It's kind of a fun thing to own!!

2. I played the french horn in jr. high/high school. Sometimes the french horn parts are a tad boring. The complicated parts are relatively few and far between. Then to get an "A," I had to practice quite a bit. Also, my teacher was a perfectionist and we would rehearse our songs until I pretty much had them memorized. It use to drive my mom nuts for her to peek in on my practicing to see me propping up my horn, playing, and reading a book at the same time. Who says that I can't multi-task?????

3. I hate Ritz crackers. For some reason, they just give me the willies to eat them. Everyone thinks that I am incredibly weird....but I just don't like them. Maybe it is a texture thing.

4. I have a strawberry-colored birthmark on my right thigh. It is one of those things that have caused a lot of people to *gasp* when they see it for the first time. Honestly, I forget that it is there until someone gives me a heartache. If I ever need to be identified...and my face is beyond can i.d. me there!

5. I have been skydiving. I am always amazed at people's responses to this fact. If I had a "Bucket List," it would have been on it. Quite the experience!! Of course, Tim had to jump with me. Heaven forbid should he be outdone by his wife!!

6. I've attended two universities. I spent a summer session during high school at Idaho State University in Pocatello. My main college experience was at George Fox University in Newberg. George Fox treated me pretty good, as that was where I met my Tim.

7. As I have watched my daughter starting to excel at a sport, I realize that this is one area of my life that I kind of regret. I wished that I had played sports more when I was younger. I played volleyball and basketball a little....but was never really great at it. Oh well. Now it is fun to encourage my children. It's a lot of fun.

Now, supposedly, I am suppose to tag 7 other people to do the same thing I have done. I don't know very many people who blog....most of them know Candi and got tagged. So, I am going to break that one little rule...and just leave it at that. I must admit. Thinking up those 7 things was actually kind of hard. Enjoy it. I may never do it again!


Candi said...

Haha, Kippy!! I almost broke the rule about tagging people.

That was very fun to read!! I think I had the same doll as you when I was little!!