Thursday, March 13, 2008

Double the Fun

I've been on the computer a lot today. Kind of fun....kind of frustrating...but very fulfilling.

Our Sunday school class is starting a new program for our church. We are attempting a program that will hopefully improve the our health, physically, spiritually, and mentally; as well, as increasing our awareness of missions.

I had the "grand" idea of starting a blog to encourage, monitor, etc our progress. I started that blog today. It took me a while to process my thoughts; and, I already know of things that I should have included. Maybe all those thoughts will be for future posts. Anyway....I am pleased with the outcome. Time will tell if it really is an effective method for encouraging and communicating in my church body.

If you would like to take a look we are here: Walk with the Spirit

If you have any input, let me know. Enjoy!