Friday, May 9, 2008

There But for the Grace of God

Today, I was directed to another site that involves tragedy. The story is so incredibly tragic. A young mother, 24 hours after giving birth, collapses and dies from a pulmonary embolism. Now there is this young father left caring for his infant daughter....alone. His grief is extremely transparent. Heart wrenching.

Then, of course, I have been following the story of Nate, Tricia, and Gwyneth. Their story, at this point, has been hitting high point after high point. God has been revealing Himself in grand ways. How exciting to be in the sidelines, watching the way God moves. The only way to sum it up would be to say To God Be The Glory!!!

I was just struck again today how incredibly blessed I am. I may complain about the whiny voices and messy rooms.....but when I get my eyes off of me and look around, I am rich. Extravagantly rich.

My kids are healthy and strong. They do well in school and perform well in their sporting activities. My husband is strong and healthy. He does well at his job, and his job takes care of him. I have a wonderful home and plenty of food to eat. I live in the temperate Pacific Northwest, and I don't worry about hurricanes, tornados, or tsunamis.

I am blessed.