Monday, May 12, 2008

Rallying the Troops

Last fall, I remember giving God the glory for Luke's desire and excitement for swimming lessons. He has still been doing pretty good with that. He has now progressed to a higher class that is demanding a little more from him than he has had in the past. He has had a really good teacher that I have been pleased with. A lot of progress has been made...and I am thankful.

Here's the rub. This teacher is not pussy-footing around with Luke any more. That is good and bad. I've seen this teacher knuckle under with him a little more about well as stretching Luke and his abilities. Needless to say, Luke is finding that not completely up to his liking. Luke likes to be lazy and do things his way.

The last two Mondays, as we have headed to swim lessons, Luke has started to do his whining and complaining about not wanting to go. On the other hand, he has also been excited and has had a lot of fun when his lessons were over. He even threw a little fit about not being able to have his lessons on Friday, when Daria and Caden had their lessons. Luke and I had a little talk about his attitude this morning. I told him he could either do the lessons the hard way, where I drag his little reluctant body to the pool and he's miserable doing it. could be the easy way, where he goes willingly and has a fun time while he's at it. He wasn't too sure about all that.

We also talked about Doing Hard Things. I will probably blog more about that thought tomorrow...but I wanted to rally my praying friends around me over this silly little issue. I so do not want to go back to the knock-down, drag-out, ugly fights that we had last year. It was so not fun. But....these swim lessons are important to me. AND....this little boy needs to be stretched. He's too use to being the baby.

So, I am praying for good attitudes....a renewed excitment....a victory that he notices and experiences. It is hard to explain that last thought. I want him to notice the be proud of himself and realize his own want to go out and conquer the next big hurdle.

I hate to say it...but I guess I am praying that my Little Man Cub grows up a little.

I can't believe I just said that.