Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Luckiest Day Ever

One of the biggest burrs in Caden's first grade career has been his lack of lost teeth. It has been one of the most distressing things for him as he watches all his classmates, and his sister, lose tooth after tooth after tooth. Caden has yet to lose a tooth and there is nothing that bothers him more.

To make the matters worse, his Grammy Caroll informed him that his Uncle Tony didn't lose a tooth until he was in the second grade!! Tony watched his classmates all through first grade celebrate losing a tooth. The teacher made it quite a celebration. In second grade, losing teeth is apparently old news, and when Tony finally lost his first tooth.....no acknowledgment. Oh the distress that thought has caused!!

Today, Caden was beyond thrilled to realize that one of his teeth is actually loose. He has often told me that one was wiggly only for me to stick my finger in there and it is stuck as stuck can be. Today's Loose Tooth is actually loose!

"Mom, I can even wiggle it with my tongue! This is my luckiest day ever!"

The celebration has begun! He can hardly wait for Uncle Ken's arrival. I told him he has six days to get that tooth out.
