Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thankful Thursday

I was snuggling down in my warm bed tonight, playing games on my new computer. Tim comes into bed and asked me if I was thankful for anything today. Yikes. I almost went to bed tonight without taking a moment to be thankful. I tell you.....I take one week off and my whole routine goes right out the door!!!

So, before I crawl into bed, I need to stop and take a moment to be thankful. God is good, all the time.

  • I am thankful that tomorrow is going to be sunny and warm. As I am watching the forecast at this very moment...they are saying a high of 68....Saturday should be 74. Wow. I can hardly wait. I think my body is screaming for some sunshine!!

  • I am thankful for my new toy. It is such a joy to use. Feels pretty awesome. Thanks, love.

  • I am thankful that Tim's project at work ships tomorrow. Hallelujah. I am praying that this means that we can have a little more family life again. We've missed having him with us.

I hope that everyone has a wonderful Friday.