Wednesday, June 25, 2008

The Joys of Summer

Tonight as I was puttering around in my yard, I couldn't help but think of all the great things that come with summer. After a long, cold, wet spring, summer has finally made its very welcomed arrival in our area. I must say....this week has been perfect weather wise. If I could live in these temperatures all the time....I would be in pure heaven. Love it.

Anyway....I thought that I would list some of the things that I find joy in because they speak summer to me. A.k.a: the Joys of Summer.....

  • Fresh picked strawberries. I picked four cups of them out of my little patch tonight. I can hardly wait to eat a bunch tonight. Yum. The only thing that would make them better would be to have shortcake and ice cream with them. Pure heaven.
  • Days spent outdoors. I totally spent way more time outside today than inside. It was just that good. On days like today, it is almost a pity to be inside.
  • Flowers. I love my yard in the summer. I love how things look....especially after I have put a little bit of labor into it. It feels so good to look and take pride in my labors.
  • Days at the park. Fun. Friends. Sunshine. Fun. What more can you ask for??
  • BBQing. I think I could eat a bbqed burger every day of the week. There is just something about eating a yummy burger while sitting around enjoying family and friends.
  • Playing in the sprinkler. Pure, clean, honest fun. A timeless classic.
  • Lots of daylight. Oh how I love the longer hours of summer. Totally makes me feel like I got a good, long use out of the day.
  • No socks. I love it when it becomes sandal weather. One of my least favorite tasks is sorting socks. Flip!!!
  • Summer mornings. I love waking up to the bright, perfect coolness of a summer morning. Seems so fresh and full of possibilities. I think those are the only mornings that are really worth facing. Otherwise....Boo to Mornings.
I am sure that if I sat here longer, I would come up with other joys of summer. Anyone care to add to my list?

Welcome to Summer! At last....