Thursday, June 5, 2008

Thankful Thursday: End of School Style

This school year has gone by so very fast. I can hardly believe that today was the last day of school. Once again....I blinked. Gotta stop doing that.

So, today I have much to be thankful for.

  • I am thankful for a wonderful third grade year for Daria. She had a wonderful and creative teacher. I admired her teacher's creativity, dedication, and support. It was a wonderful year. In this picture, Daria is accepting her Stepping Stone....sitting down as a third grader to rise up, accept the stone, and enter Fourth Grade. Wow.

Thank you, Mrs. B. for a wonderful year.

  • I am thankful that Daria has some wonderful friends. The girls in her class are very close and they are fun to watch together. What a blessing to have good friends.

  • I am so very thankful for the wonderful year that Caden had in the first grade. He has come so very far this year. He has opened up so much socially. He conquered a tough spelling program. He became a reader. This year has been so very good.

  • I am thankful for Caden's two wonderful teachers. Mrs. J was his main teacher who left in March to have her baby. She really did a wonderful job with him. She encouraged me, encouraged him, and now Caden is a wonderful speller. For all my worries and prayers, God blessed us with Mrs. A. to finish out the year. She really fit into the class well and the kids adapted so wonderfully. It was a great transition. She was a joy and I was so very thankful.

  • Finally, today I was very thankful for the wonderful things that my kids' teachers had to say about my kids. It really does a Mama's heart good. I wish that I could remember all that they had said.....but they told us that it would be in their reports cards. I guess I will just have to wait.
We had our End of the Year Party this evening. It was a wonderful spite of the rain. The kids had a good did we. I would post some pictures....but it is late, I'm tired, and that would require more out of me than I have left. I guess I will just save that for tomorrow.

Thank you, Jesus, for a wonderful school year.