Happy New Years!! It is so hard to believe that it is New Year's Eve. This years has flown by. I remember as a child that a year felt like an eternity. Now, as an adult, it feels like a blink of an eye. Personally, I don't feel like I've changed much. Though, I have noticed that my gray hairs seem to be multiplying lately. Then, I look at my kids...and WHOA....a lot of things have changed over the year.
So, on this last day of 2007, do I stand here and look back at where we have been? Or do I look forward at the things yet to come? When I look back, I can surely rejoice at the places that we have been and the things we have accomplished. Luke has mellowed out and become a sweet little boy. Caden has broken out of his shell, becoming more comfortable in who he is. Daria has matured, trying and accomplishing many new things. Praise!!
The year ahead holds many new things for them, too. Luke will enter kindergarten this fall. (!!!) Wow. I am not sure I am ready for that. My heart kind of clenches with that change....but I am sure that God will see both Luke and I through that transition. How is it that my baby will be ready for kindergarten??? Caden wants to try playing soccer this year. For him to want to join a sports team is monumental. I hope that he will be able to match the kids with skill so that he isn't discouraged. Daria, I am sure, will continue to amaze me at the places she will go. She wants to try and do so many things. How do I even begin to support all that she wants to accomplish?
So, what about myself? I can see many ways in which I have "grown." I've stepped out of the shadows a little bit in being involved in my kids' school. Even at church, I am taking on more roles and responsibilities. I'm not exactly sure where I will end up at the end of 2008. I know that I look forward to Luke being in school.....in a bittersweet kind of way. It will be a new era for both of us....for the first time in over 9 years, I won't have constant supervision over at least one child. What will I do with that time? I've often thought of taking guitar lessons. Maybe this fall, I will finally tackle that.
Yet, where will I go? What will I accomplish? What things in my life...physically, emotionally, spiritually...will I get rid of, clean out, or improve? Will I be a different person on December 31, 2008 than I am on December 31, 2007? In many ways, being my own worst critic, I sure hope so.
That is a lot of things to think about on this day when many are making resolutions. I don't really make resolutions. That is just another way to disappoint myself!! Yet, I do want to continue to grow, continue to improve, continue to change. I am praying that God will give me the wisdom....and the strength...to let go of the things that I need to let go. I am praying that He will give me wisdom...and strength....to pick up those things that I need to lay a hold of.
A new year. A new chance. A fresh start.
Sort of.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Out with the Old...In with the New
Posted by
12:51 PM
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Thankful Thursday
I was dinking around on the computer tonight after everyone had gone to bed. I'm waiting for Luke to be good and asleep before I go into bed. He has been sleeping on the floor in the room that Tim and I are staying in. He's had a pretty bad cough which woke the other kids up the other night...so he has been in with us. So, as I was waiting, I was catching up on my friends' blogs. Then, I remembered that today was Thursday. Vacations always seem to screw up my internal calendar. So...here I am at 10:46 p.m. writing my thanks for the week.
- Today I am thankful for the good relationships I have with my family. It seems like, anymore, that there is more warring families than not. So, as my mom, sister, and I spent an afternoon of pampering together, I was thankful for these relationships, and family connections.
- I am thankful for the beauty of the snow. This is one thing I particularly miss during Oregon Winters. I miss the beautiful snow that covers over the gray and the dirt. I love the clean look of fresh snow. It is also a lot of fun to play in. The memories are wonderful!!
- I am thankful for the health of my family. I am thankful for the safe travels we had coming to N. Idaho for Christmas. As I listen to the news, I am always so grateful these awful things of Life have, so far, passed us by. It puts me in my place and reminds me how incredibly blessed I am. Reminds me to give thanks to Whom thanks is due.
It is pretty quiet where Luke is at. I think I will go sneak a peek and see if he is sleeping. We've been playing hard, laughing hard; and, then, we crash hard.
Good night.
Posted by
10:43 PM
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas
There is nothing better than a White Christmas. I love the snow. I really do. So coming home to Northern Idaho for Christmas just plain ol' feels right. After a busy night at Tim's parents', we got up early to drive to my parents'. We had great roads, an uneventful trip, and arrived to a couple of inches of old snow. Close enough.
How can you resist? There is nothing like snow to make you feel like a kid again. Somehow your body regains that special enzyme that makes you resistant to the cold. You can run, jump, play, and get a face full of snow, only to get back up and start again.
I think at this point, I was having more fun that Caden was. He looks a little uncertain. It was our last ride of the afternoon, and he was telling me he was ready to go in. I guess he had had enough of riding in the front. I think I was playing shield to Luke because he was just singing back there, having a grand time.
A day of memories. The perfect White Christmas. Family and Fun. How can you ask for anything more?
Posted by
9:07 PM
Monday, December 24, 2007
Take a deep breath....
Hold it. Now let it out slowly.
I think I can relax now. Emphasis on the think part. It seems like every time I turn around there is just one more thing to do. I do need to deliver a couple of gifts. I do have to deal with sugared out kids today as the pork out on desserts at their grandma's house. I am sure that I haven't heard the end of the grumps.
As the festivities begin in a couple of hours, I take a deep breath and let it all out. I have done all that I can do to make Christmas happen. It may not be a perfect Christmas to some....but at least we will be together as family. Honestly, I think I will scream if someone complains right now. I sure wish that I didn't stress so much. There really has got to be a better way.
Yesterday at church, Daria asked me if I really knew what Christmas was about. She informed me it was about Peace. I think I was a little hurt. Apparently I haven't been showing the true meaning of Christmas very well. Guess I need to do some time confessing at the feet of Jesus. Maybe in the quiet times of driving in the van to join family, I can find moments of peace to get my heart back in the right place.
So, in this moment of peace, I just want to take a moment to wish you all a Merry Christmas. Take a moment and share a hug with someone you love. If you know someone who has been stressed, take a moment and appreciate all their efforts. Extend some forgiveness. I know that I need some right now.
Merry Christmas!!
Posted by
1:12 PM
Friday, December 21, 2007
Do You Hear What I Hear?
of a rejoicing Mom-my
With a glee and delight beyond sight
She is done with her shopping!!
Isn't it gracious that God saves us from our own pitiful state that we put ourselves in? I literally sat at my computer last night, after everyone went to bed, and I just stared at it. I guess I was wishing that somehow the computer could save me from my poor, pitiful shopping state. There was no way that the internet was going to solve my problems without paying through the nose for next day delivery. What to do?
At 10:00 last night I decided to make a run to Fred Meyer. I just prayed that somehow they would have that I needed. I didn't find everything....but I was able to find a couple of things that finished a couple of people off. That felt really good. I was still left in a quandary about Daria's gift. I was literally in despair.
So, about 11:15 last night, I was scouring all the websites of all the major stores in the Portland area hoping that someone would have what I wanted for Daria. It was so a no-go. The thing that I wanted was all to be shipped from the maker....not in stock in the store. Then I remembered one last store. I found what I wanted, but it didn't say if it was in the store or not. So, I wrote the information down so I could call in the morning. Then I went to bed literally pleading with God to make it so. (How ridiculous!! It was either there....or not. My prayers wouldn't change the fact over night!!!)
Yet, God was good. It was there!!!!! You should have seen me this morning doing this little dance in the bathroom. I was so ecstatic. I just was praising God like crazy. So, I ran this morning and picked it up. Yee-haw!! I am done!!
Now the real fun can begin....wrapping. NOT!! Next to shopping, that is my least-favorite thing to do. Oh well. Tonight is Ladies Night Out with the ladies from my church. We are going to have so much fun. We are going out to eat. Tour through Target. Then to the church for fun, wrapping, games, etc. I am NOT taking my wrapping. I am totally just going to have fun. I feel like I deserve it. Besides, Tim needs an opportunity to help out with the Christmas spirit. I would hate to rob him of the joy.
Feeling the Christmas spirit again.....
Posted by
12:55 PM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Thankful Thursday
His Love Endures Forever
For He is good He is above all things.
His Love Endures Forever
Sing Praise Sing Praise
Today is a very good day to be thankful. I so needed it. This has been a very stressful holiday seaason for me....at least the last week or so has. Try as hard as I have to keep my eyes focused on the true meaning of Christmas...and yet I have failed.
God has been so faithful to me today. So, I must be faithful to him and give thanks.
- Today I am thankful for my Moms in Touch time. I was late in getting my sheet filled out for today. Late last night, I didn't know which attribute of God to praise Him for. I chose Jehovah Raah--the Lord our Shepherd. Actually, God chose that last night, even when my heart wasn't in the best place to do the choosing. The verses were just what I needed to hear today. God is so good.
- I am thankful for bright spots in my day that just make me chuckle. We have a little bit of sunshine today. Makes everything seem so much cheerier. I happened to glance out our back slider and glanced down at the kids' swimming pool that is covering the turtle sandbox. For some reason, what I saw just made me laugh. God has a sense of humor. Looks like the turtle is sticking his head out for a peek to make sure the rain had really stopped. I thought it was cute anyway.....
- I am also thankful that I am almost done with my shopping. Praise the Lord!!!! If all goes well tonight at Costco, I will be free and clear with the shopping. I have to be thankful that at every store I have been to lately, I have found something that has gotten me a little closer to finishing my goal. I have to remember that as I was so disappointed that I couldn't finish completely last night at Toys R Us.
Posted by
11:20 AM
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Hidden Blessings
The closer it gets to Christmas, the crazier things seem to get. I keep thinking that I am getting one more thing finished...and then....BOOM....another thing gets added. Kind of a crazy cycle right now. I am looking forward to some moments of peace in the coming days. I imagine that I am going to have to kick Tim's heiny into gear to get there....but it is coming.
Today I need to take note of a couple of small blessings. They were just two small things, but they really made me take some huge sighs of relief. They weren't much, but they rank pretty high on my scale right now.
Last week, when I picked up Luke from my friend, Patty's, house, she offered to watch Luke for me today so that I could get some shopping done. I was so looking forward to that time. Then, on Monday, Daria reminded me that her explorer project presentations were happening that afternoon too. So, today, I was able to help with the Pizza Day at school. Then I took Luke over to Patty's house...and did a little shopping before I had to dash back to school for her presentation. It was a breath of fresh air to have her take Luke for a couple of hours. It seems like they are getting along well and I was so appreciative of her help this week.
My second blessing is that the kids didn't come home with any homework tonight. I don't know why, but I just about cried when I saw that we didn't have to tackle that tonight. The kids have a field trip to go see A Christmas Carol tomorrow. I think that they will enjoy it quite a bit.
I am hoping that Luke and I can finish things up tomorrow. At least the shopping part would be nice to have done. I still have yet to wrap a package. That is my least favorite thing to do. I hope that everyone is having lots of luck finishing their preparations for Christmas. I'm getting close.
Thanks to my sister for her laughs yesterday. It was fun!! Guess she's the only one I'm getting a Christmas present for!
Posted by
4:52 PM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
ISO: Holiday Pick-Me-UP
Anybody got an energy boost they could share with me? I so have not been as productive as I needed to be today. I started this post once...wrote two paragraphs and deleted it. All I did was complain...complain...complain. It was just as bad as my kids. Yikes.
As I have restarted this post a gazillion times so that it can be more than a gripe session, I am left contemplating a change of pace for this post. I can see it going two ways: 1) My idea is fabulous, works like a charm, and things seem better; or 2) It will be a complete bust and I be left to fend for myself. So...what to do? My sister says that she hates me hinting at things and then no follow through. Fine. I'll just lay it out there and let the cards fall where they may.
Here is my brilliant Holiday Pick-Me-Up idea. I've always heard that laughter is the best medicine. So, I am in search of some laughter. If you dare...if you are brave enough...I am asking my readers to post some holiday cheer. I would love to see my readers pop out of the woodwork and tell me some funny jokes. I need to laugh. I need to be silly. Please??
So...what do you think? Do you have it in you? Or are you going to leave me high and dry? We shall see. My friend told me the other day that she left a post on my 100th post...and it disappeared into the whateverlands of the internet. Hmmmmm. We can test that theory at the same time.
Okay...I'll start.
- Two young boys were spending the night at their grandparents the
week before Christmas. At bedtime, the two boys knelt beside
their beds to say their prayers when the youngest one began
praying at the top of his lungs.
His older brother leaned over and nudged the younger brother and
said, "Why are you shouting your prayers? God isn't deaf." To which the little brother replied, "No, but Grandma is!"
Where do the Wise Men go to get their robes tailored?
*To Bethle--Hem
Knock Knock
Who's There?
Wayne who?
Wayne in a Manger.
Knock Knock
Who's there?
Fozzie who?
Fozzie hundredth time, would you stay away from the tree?
Okay...who's next???
Posted by
4:13 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Whirlwind Days
December 17. At least I think it is still technically December 17. By the clock in my kitchen, I have about 14 minutes left until midnight. Then the calendar will officially become December 18 for me. For some people, these are panic days. Last minute shopping, wrapping, and scurries here and there.
This year, for me, feels a little panicky. I don't like that so much. This past weekend has been full to the brim of things, stuff, and more things. After a full weekend, a full day of shopping with a four-year old, and busy life on top of it, my body feels like it is giving out on me; but, as I laid my head on the pillow tonight, my mind began to pick up steam (an inherited trait. Thanks, Mom). After flip-flopping for 45 minutes, I decided I would try and air some of the stuff that was clouding up my mind and see if it would allow me to go to sleep. I told Tim the other day that I loved blogging because I feel better when I am done. Hoping for the same results when I am done here tonight.
So, here I sit, sipping on egg nog, processing my day...er, days. I look forward to when my last present has been purchased and wrapped and I can truly soak in the spirit of Christmas. Yet, the hub-bub of the last couple of days have been fun. Tiring. But fun. Thursday night was the kids' school concerts. They did so good. It was just awesome. I teared up so many times watching Caden sing. He has come so far. If you notice in the picture. He is actually singing!! Yeah. Isn't he just so cute? And Daria is singing with gusto, too. So cute.
On Sunday, the kids sang in church. Luke was quite the little character. Now that Caden is doing so well with his singing, I will need to start concentrating my prayers on Luke. Here's why:If you notice his scowl, that was pretty much how he was through the entire performance. He caused quite the chuckle. I was hoping that Tim had gotten a better picture of it....but this will do. Gotta love the little dude.
Daria did well, too. She had a featured part in one of the songs. She gets a tad nervous up there, but she did great. She's looking so grown up. How can that be????
Then there is sweet Caden. He's got his eyes dead set on me in the audience. I think that was his survival technique. Yet, rejoice again, he is singing!
Saturday afternoon/evening was spent at the church helping to set up for our Night in Bethlehem. Then after church on Sunday, we finished setting up and then spent 3 hours participating in that. Aren't we cute?I thought that Tim's headdress was a little ridiculous. I wanted to chuckle every time I saw him. I hate to say that he doesn't really cut it for a Bethlehem Dude.
The evening was pretty neat, though. Lots of people commented on it and from my quick walk through on the evening....it was pretty awesome. I think it gave people a real taste of what it could have been like. Tim got some really great pictures....but I will only post a couple.
We had some real donkeys walking around the premises. They actually came INTO the church. Yikes. Much to my dislike. Donkeys are too close to horses and I will stay away, thank you. My daughter, on the other hand, found it a delight that she was the first one to take a walk around the church on a donkey.Here is me, doing my job. I was one of the census takers.
And of course, I had to add a picture of Mary, Joseph, and baby Jesus. Well, they really aren't the real ones, but they had fun playing them. It was kind of fun that "Mary" was a flash from my past. She is Wendee Selby Lewis and her family. They were quite the troopers of the evening. People were really touched. (oh...and..."Jesus" is actually a precious little girl!! Isn't she cute?) Well, that is a little pictorial taste of my weekend. I wished that I had pictures of my evening tonight. Our church shower for my kids' school was tonight. It was emotional for me. (goodness) I think the teachers that came were touched....and pleased. It was a lot of fun.
Now that I have unloaded my thoughts, I am hoping that I can now fall asleep. It is officially December 18. One week to Christmas. Less days than that to finish all that I have to do. To those who are ready for Christmas. Ppppffffttttt on you!
Posted by
11:43 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
They Got It Wrong
I posted a link to Baby Blues the other day. It was so appropriate to my 100th post. Today's Baby Blues was pretty good too. The only thing is that they got it a little bit wrong.
I love the end of the day, when my kids are in bed and the house is quiet and I can do whatever I want without kids bugging me about this, that, or the other thing. When I take breaks in the middle of the day, they never really work. When Mom sits, that seems to be the perfect invite for a request. Mom...can I have a drink of milk? Mom, snack time. Mom, I need a blankie. The list could go on and on. True peace in a day is a rare thing.
That is why today's Baby Blues has hit me just right. Except....they are depicting the Dad in this roll. In MY household, it would be completely me. I swear, at times, that Tim must be invisible when he is home. He can be in the kitchen pouring himself a glass of milk; and, the kids will find me, sitting on the couch in the living room, and ask me to get them a glass of milk. Amazingly, Dad can pour milk just as good as I can. Imagine that.
So...the creators of Baby Blues once again stole my thoughts. (Maybe I can sue them for copyright infractions!) They must have been protecting themselves by mixing things up a little by using the Dad instead of the Mom. So...enjoy another glimpse into my day.
Remember to click on BABY BLUES.
Posted by
10:48 AM
Friday, December 14, 2007
Have you ever contemplated the full definition of the word dream? The word really has many different facets and nuances that can mean so many different things to different people. I know that the first thought that most people have with the word dream is the dreams that we have at night when we sleep. You know, the ones where you wake up in the morning and say, "What in the world was that and where did it come from?"
Yet there are many other definitions of dream. There is "imaginative thoughts indulged in while awake." I know that I participate in this often. It can be kind of fun. Like dreaming about eating a chocolate eclair....or dreaming of lying on the warms sands of Hawaii. Every once in a while I go off into that dreaming state and my daughter will tell me, "Mom, you've got that look again." Yikes. Guess I can get a little transparent. Or maybe it would fit this definition of dream a little better: a state of mind characterized by abstraction and release from reality.
Then there is the dream that can be so hard to fulfill: an ambition: a cherished desire. These kind of dreams come in many different forms....like the dream to be come a pro ball player, or to be the Queen of England. To meet a handsome young man, marry, and live happily ever after. Some dreams can be acquired through hard work, having the right connections or good DNA. Then there are some dreams that are fulfilled by sheer luck.
Once again I am at that spot in a post where I have a half formed thought running around in my brain. Why do I get myself in these spots? I just started thinking about some half formed dreams of mine that I know will always be a pipe dream....a fantastic but vain hope. Then I started thinking about how some people just managed to fall into their dreams. Mine won't come about to fulfillment because of hard work or dumb luck. For me, I know that it is just something that flirts with me from the back of my mind. It can be fun to think about.
So...how do I end this half-formed post? That is the quandary of the day. It kind of seems like a pointless post as I now have gotten down this far. Guess I won't delete it. So...here was your pointless post of the day. Nothing was gained from it...and we both wasted a little bit of time.
Oh well.
Posted by
3:46 PM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Great Timing
I am a comic strip junkie. My day is never complete without sitting down for a few minutes and reading the daily comics. One of my personal favorites is Baby Blues. It chronicles the life of a stay at home mom of three kids. For some reason, I relate. There are times that I swear the creators are stealing their ideas right out of my daily life.
Today's comic strip was so perfect. I wasn't able to sit down until late tonight to read the comics and when I saw today's Baby Blues...I just died. It was so perfect. I should have had it for yesterday's 100th post. Close enough! I wish that I could post the image right onto my blog...but I don't think I can. Just click on the words Baby Blues below....and it will take you to this most-appropriate comic. I hope that you get as good a chuckle as I got!!
Please click on BABY BLUES
Posted by
10:36 PM
Thankful Thursday!
~Melody Beattie~
Today, I am thankful for:
- The fact that there is no storm tonight. Tonight is the kids' Christmas concert at school. It was canceled last year due to a huge wind storm that blew out the power. It should be a wonderful concert! It is so fun to see my kids enjoying singing. A year ago or so, Caden didn't have the courage to sing. Now he does!! I praise God for his growth.
- A kind note that was given to me by a lady that I work with at Community Bible Studies. She always has such encouraging things to say and it lifts my spirits.
- Time to go and have a coffee with a friend today after Moms In Touch. It was so nice to visit and feel connected. We even got a little Christmas shopping done at the same time. Bonus!!
- A mostly clean house!! Even with having gotten coffee this morning, I was able to get most of my house clean. It feels so good. It had gotten pretty ucky with all the hub-bub going on.
Isaiah 26:3-4
Posted by
4:53 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Happy 100th To Me!!
Can you believe that, today, I have reached my 100th post?? That's right, this very post is my 100th post! If you have read every single one of my posts, then you are either completely insane, bored out of your mind....or you just love me a whole lot!
When I noticed that I was getting close to my 100th post, I tried to think of something fun to do in a way of celebrating. You know, usually something grand is done when something/someone reaches the grand number of 100. My friend, Candi, for her 100th post, did a give away. She left it open for a week and she did a drawing out of everyone who left a comment. The winner was sent a package of some of her Favorite Things....kind of like Oprah. I thought that might be fun. You all know that the winner would be sent a fleece shirt! How boring is that! Anyway...it seemed like too much hassle with all the holiday hub-bub going on. (In other words, I am just plain lazy and I didn't want to copy-cat!)
So, I was left in a quandary. How do I "celebrate" my 100th post? I thought about doing a "census" of sorts. I am playing the roll of a census taker at our church's "A Night in Bethlehem" production this Saturday...it could be good practice. If I took a census, then maybe I could see who all was reading my wandering thoughts. But....I am sure that there would be several that would remain anonymous. When one of my other blog-friends did a roll call, I stayed anonymous. Silly. So...if I stayed anonymous, I am sure that there would be several out there who would remain anonymous too. So, I bunked that idea.
Here is how I solved my 100th post quandary. I did a google search the other night on "100 ways." It was really interesting to see the different websites that came up with "100 ways" of this....and "100 ways" of that. Some were pretty amusing. I thought that I would give you a taste of some of the ones that tickled my funny bone.
The first site that pops up is a list of "100 Ways to Order Pizza." Too funny. It struck me right off the bat, because my sister had this guy-friend who, when he ordered pizza, would say his name was Buford. Over the loud speaker, we'd hear: "Pizza for Buford. Buford, your pizza is ready." You'd think that he would be embarrassed. Nope. Not even close. He reveled in making others uncomfortable. Here is option number 1: If using a touch-tone, press random numbers while ordering. Ask the person taking the order to stop doing that. Or...how about #5: Terminate the call with, "Remember, we never had this conversation." As you read the rest of the list, you can tell that someone had way too much time on their hands! Maybe the next time that I'm bored, I'll try that. I think I would have to be pretty darn bored, though.
My next favorite "100 Ways" site was called "100 Ways to Reduce Stress: Self Help for Women. I was so optimistic. It seems like I have been so stressed out. I thought that maybe I could do some Public Health announcement on my blog for my 100th post. Then, I read the first entry. #1. Get up 15 Minutes earlier. I think I snorted peach ice tea out my nose when I read that one! What. Ever. Some of the options were quite good; and, I was pleased to see that I was implementing some of them in my life. I totally agreed with #3, Avoid Tight Fitting Clothes. Right on. Especially during the month of December. Then, I couldn't help but say "Amen, to #73: Meet your own needs. In my house, if I don't meet my own needs....then it just doesn't happen. I'm sure that if I was cut and bleeding to death, my family would stand around, asking me when I was going to clean up that mess. The real corker of the list though, was #100 itself: STOP COUNTING THINGS. Maybe that means, I shouldn't be writing this post right now.
Not to be outdone, there is also a site for "100 Way to live forever--Men's Health." For some reason, this list wasn't nearly as amusing. It seemed to be a more practical....like...drink more water, eat more steak, take your vitamins, exercise, touch your wife, have more sex, la..la...la. I just about quit reading because I was bored until I got down to #49: Pee in the bushes. Yep, that is what is says. It even has a nice little description of why: After studying 40 people with heart disease, researchers at Taiwan University in China found that the stress of having a full bladder increases heart rate by an average of 9 beats per minute and constricts the flow of blood by 19 percent. Either could be enough to trigger a heart attack, says study author Tsai Chang-Her, M.D. See?? Not peeing in the bushes could cause a heart attack!! Won't Luke be proud to know that he was a pioneer in the field of Bush Peeing? He should live a long and healthy life.
I also looked at the website for "100 Ways to cut 100 Calories." I thought...GREAT....two 100's for the price of 1. No good. This post is taking me so long to write because I've got hands over my eyes and fingers in my ears. Too hard to type that way. Whatever.
There seems to be endless 100 Ways to do a 100 different things. You can annoy people, love people, escape influenza, and organize your life. You can confuse your roommate, save the environment, and say Merry Christmas in 100 different languages. The list seems endless. In fact, Google says that it came up with about 15,700,000 hits on the phrase "100 Ways" in about 0.03 seconds.
Whew. Now that's a lot. Aren't you glad that I didn't take the time to list all the other things in my life that I've done 100 times? You only had to read my 100th post....and that's enough.
Happy 100th to You! Thanks for reading my blog.
Posted by
4:25 PM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
What makes Christmas, Christmas?
There is a lot that goes into making the Christmas holidays seem like Christmas. For different people that could mean a lot of different things. There are lights, songs, foods, parties, trees, nativities, pageants, shopping, gift giving, stockings....and the list goes on. One could easily see that it wouldn't take much to get on Christmas overload.
Not being a shopper....and hating crowds....that is one aspect of the Christmas holidays that I don't like very much. Not only do I dislike shopping, but I really want to find gifts that "embody" the spirit of the person I give to. That is usually not a very successful venture. It is so hard to capture that in just a gift. It is probably part of the reason that I dislike shopping....everything just seems to fall short of my expectations. All the things that I would really love to get are way out of budget anyway.
But, when I really sit down and think about what Christmas really is, it isn't hard to get into the Christmas spirit. I love the decorations of Christmas. I love Christmas lights and the way they brighten up a dreary night. I love the color red that signifies Christmas to so many. It can be such a royal color that declares cheer and joy. I love having stockings hung on my fireplace....each one with our name on it. Maybe it is that spirit of belonging that it seems to embody. I also love the pageants, and concerts that seem to always come around. My kids are young enough that they really aren't the best singing in the world....but it is the best in this Mama's book.
The thing I love the most about Christmas is that we celebrate Jesus' birth. On the way to school today, we heard a kids' choir singing Happy Birthday to Jesus. I don't know what it is, but every time I hear kids singing happy birthday to Jesus, I tear up. It is just the most precious thing. I love to hear the Christmas story read every year. I think I see something new every year. My first Christmas as a mother, I remember being struck by the phrase that Mary took these things and pondered them in her heart. All those things that surrounded my baby, I kept them in my heart and I pondered them. Have you ever thought about Mary's ponderings? She had a pretty amazing baby, with some pretty amazing circumstances. It will be interesting to sit with Mary some day and hear her thoughts. She must have been an amazing young lady.
As I was going to bed the other night, I was shutting all the lights off. I am not often the last one to bed, because Tim often falls asleep on the couch and is impossible to wake up. He had gone to bed, so I unplugged the tree lights, and the lights on the mantle. The last light I turned off was the light of my nativity set. As I reached to turn it off, I was struck by the image that it was. The house was completely dark except for the beautiful nativity. Alone it stood there, in my sight, standing against the darkness, proclaiming peace, love, and ultimately mercy. It was so beautiful. I need to play around with Tim's camera and see if I can capture somehow the beauty of that moment.
Really...that is what Christmas is all about. Mercy coming down as a little baby. Wasn't that gracious of God to meet us on our terms? Brings a lot of joy down here. And, in closing, speaking of joy, a friend of mine posted this on our cybersister site. It is a fun little holiday song. It really is quite amusing. If you need some cheer, take a look. It is fun. Joy is a part of Christmas....so enjoy.
Posted by
1:37 PM
Monday, December 10, 2007
Crack. Me. Up.
Just as I finished up my last posting, I was given one of the best Luke-isms that I've had in a long time. He laid it in my lap just like it was a gift fit for a king. He is such a funny little man. His logic is so Four-Years-Old....yet he can present it like a world-renown criminal lawyer.
I have been drilling into my kids about picking up after themselves. They have the nastiest habit of throwing their bowls, cups, plates, and snack wrappers onto the floor. I would be one wealthy woman if I was given even one penny for each time I have talked with them about putting things away...or throwing their garbage away. Anyway....as I was sitting here, getting ready to start on dinner, Luke comes in and throws away his wrapper from his snack. I was a little startled, to say the least. So, in order not to go overboard, I casually say, "Nice job." He turns, looks at me so criminal lawyerishly, with his hands on his hips, and says:
Words cannot even begin to describe the moment, his look, his tone, his so matter-of-factness. I just cracked up. Seemed like a good thing to share. Blogs are a good way to remember....'cause I'm getting old!
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5:01 PM
The Joy of Mail: A Proud Mama Day!
Physically writing a letter is a dieing art anymore these days. I will confess, I don't hardly write snail mail anymore. Then again, my family would probably say that I hardly do e-mail anymore either! The crazy thing is, even though I don't take the time anymore to write letters, I sure do enjoy opening up my mailbox and finding a letter addressed to me!
I had that thrill today....sort of. It wasn't a very personal note. It was just the arrival of my kids' report cards in the mail. They weren't even addressed with my name. They were addressed "To the Parents of Caden" and "To the Parents of Daria." Yet, as soon as I saw that it was "fun" mail (vs. bills) I got a little excited. I could hardly contain myself as I dashed back to the warmth of the house.
And good reports they were too!! Both of them had really good marks on everything. Caden is" a joy to teach"; and, Daria is "a very well behaved, hard working student." Caden does need to work on his "focus" during spelling tests and speaking louder when talking to adults. (ya think?) Daria needs to work on neatness (due to rushing) and reading with expression. All in all, it was a button-popping day all around. Well done, Loves, well done!
See what joy a nice piece of mail brings? It felt really good today. It really makes an impact to have positive things written down on paper. That way, there's proof that it was said. And, you can always go back and read it again. I have started saving notes that people have sent me. They are nice to read on the days that I am doing less than best. One of my favorites came from an older gentleman in our church. He always seems a little stoic to me...so his compliment cracks me up. Here is what he said: "Christine: Thanks for the successful Halloween party--Trunk or Treat. We appreciate your high energy level, your creative abilities, and your untamed enthusiasm!" Untamed enthusiasm??? Not sure how to take that one. Is that a good thing or a bad thing? Either way....it makes me laugh.
I think there is a lesson in this for me. Maybe I should make it a personal objective to send someone a note on the days I am feeling particularly down and lonely. It seems like I remember my Grams saying that when you're feeling kind of low...do something nice for someone else. You can't help but feel better. I suppose that the feelings will follow the actions. Maybe in the writing of the notes to other people, I will gain the rewards and feel a little better too. Guess I will have to give it a try.
Anyway...hope you are all having a good day.....because I'm definitely having a Proud Mama Day!!
Posted by
4:13 PM
Saturday, December 8, 2007
Today, I uncovered Tim's master plan. I think that he is slowly setting himself up to be a "kept" man. He comes across as the I-do-it-all kind of man...but what he is really doing...is setting himself up for the lazy life when he retires. Let me explain my theory here.
He works really hard at his job. At least that is what he wants me to believe. He goes in early and comes home late. He even puts in several hours on Saturdays. He often falls asleep on the couch because he is exhausted. Every once in a while, he asks me to pray for him because his work load is overwhelming.
So, what do I do? I do my best to lighten his load at home. Sometimes I do so willingly....other times I put up a little stink to earn some sympathy points. (Don't be so shocked! I know I'm not the only one!!) Gradually, I find that I am tackling responsibilities around the house that have typically fallen into Tim's realm of responsibility. Today, I cleaned out the gutters. That's right...you read those words correctly....I cleaned out the gutters. (burp! Must still be suffering from whatever ailed me yesterday!)
So...picture me...up on top of the roof of our house...armed with the Big Daddy of all leaf blowers.... a Stihl. I know that leaf blowers have gotten a bad rap over the years....but let me just tell you...they are a wonderful tool. I need to remember that the next time the city workers wake me up at 6:00 in the morning on a beautiful summer morning. In a small amount of time, you can move a lot of crud.
I've been a mite intimidated by Big Daddy Stihl. He has a mighty big roar. Yet, there I was, shaking in my boots, taming the mighty lion. Our neighbor just about fell over when she saw me on the roof. Her 2 year old daughter had traipsed over to our house for a visit and she came to retrieve her. She heard the mighty roar and decided to move. She looked up and.....too funny. Her only comment to me was "Now that is one thing you won't find me doing!" My reply: "Just call me Rambo Mama."
I might have looked tough...but I was really a little nervous. I have horribly visions of falling off the edge and landing not too nicely. I couldn't help but think of my friend's blog about her neighbor's death wish with leaf blowers and roofs. But, I just put a little starch in my underpants and blasted the bejeebers out of the gunk in the gutters. Crud was flying everywhere. What an empowering feeling! Bring it on, Baby! (In retrospect, I think that feeling was just the numbness that was radiating up my arms!)
Now, the chuckle of the afternoon, was when I peeked over the edge of the roof to see Luke dancing in the shower of pine needles that was blowing off the roof. There he was, holding his baseball cap out, twirling in circles, trying to catch as many pine needles as he could. My mama side was shaking my head, thinking of all the dirt and grime that was imbedding itself into his scalp. I envisioned picking pine needles out of his eyes as he glanced up to see where the new shower was falling. Then, the Rambo side of me chuckled and said, "Dance on, Little Man, dance on!"
So, as I stood there, surveying my domain from the pinnacle of my household, I realized Tim's glorious plan. Empower the woman. Give her courage, boldness, and knowledge. Then sit back and relax. But, now that I know the plan, the scheming begins to retake control. That's right, Man. Empower the woman. Give her courage, boldness, and knowledge. Then sit back and....WATCH OUT!!
Posted by
4:21 PM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Oh..the Shopping Outside is frightful....
And since we've got places to go...
Let us beg..let us whine..let us cry!
In reality, I am a true pessimist. I always look at things half full. When I have a favorite lotion, I will use it quite liberally. But, as soon as I hit about half-way down, I stop using it. Why? Because it is almost gone and I don't want to run out. I know. Totally ridiculous. You should see all my half empty bottles of lotion I have.
Every once in a while, though, I get a little optimistic. Random brain burp, or something. I am not quite sure what comes over me. Now, as I typed that, I think I figured out the root of today's brain burp. I guess I just needed to put all the pieces together. I went shopping a little bit with Luke, yesterday. He did really pretty good. In fact, lately, I really haven't minded taking him with me places. He usually stays pretty close, doesn't beg, and I usually find him a little amusing. We did pretty good yesterday.
So...here is today. My kids do not have school on Fridays. Typically our mornings are full with piano lessons and two sessions of chess. Today, due to a scheduling conflict at the church, chess was canceled. Flash of brilliance (aka Brain Burp).....I decided that the kids and I would go to WalMart. For one, all other school kids will be in school, so it shouldn't be busy. Two, Luke has been so good at shopping lately, we should finally be able to go shopping without a fiasco. And three, my kids are now old enough to find joy in buying gifts for other people.
Anyone else noticing the totally flawed thinking that happened here? What was I thinking...and where were you to set me straight??? I think I should check myself into the local Looney Bin and have my head examined. Was I insane?? Yes. Completely and utterly. There is no other way to explain what I was thinking as I loaded my sweet, darling children into the van today.
And now...Faulty Thought Number Three. Right now, in complete hindsight, all I can do is shake my head at myself. What was I thinking? (burp!) I tried sweetening the deal with my kids today before we headed into WalMart. We stopped at Dutch Bros. to get a Not So Hot. Didn't help. Did. Not. Help. I even sweetly asked them when we were in the van just before we headed into Temptation World: "Please. We are here to Christmas shop for everyone else. I will not be buying anything for you. Why would I buy your presents now, when you are with me. Please do not ask me for anything. We are here for others. Not for you."
Nice try, Christine, nice try. Really. It was a valiant effort. I had grand hopes. I really thought that, finally, my kids had reached an age where they could put themselves aside and find pure joy in buying for others. (burp!) If I heard, "I want this" once, I heard it a thousand times. If I said, "I am not buying anything for you today" once, I said it a thousand times. I wished that I had a nickel for every time I said that. I could have walked out of there with all my purchases paid for and with enough money for a cruise for one to the Bahamas for a week! (burp!)
Can you picture our afternoon? I've spent the last couple of hours, here at home, buried under the covers of my bed, numbing my ravaged brain on Rachael Ray and Oprah. I feel a little better now that time has separated me from the situation a little. I am really wishing that I had been able to finish all my Christmas shopping today. I have no idea how I will be able to finish it because I refuse....I refuse...to go shopping with my children again.
I'm not sure how to cure myself of this brain burping. Maybe I should try brain washing. My new mantra will be: I WILL NOT PROCRASTINATE. I WILL GET MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING DONE EARLY. REPEAT. I WILL NOT PROCRASTINATE. I WILL GET MY CHRISTMAS SHOPPING DONE EARLY.
Now all I have to do is pray that it works.
Posted by
4:57 PM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Thankful Thursday
~G.K. Chesterton
- Today I am thankful for the opportunity to stop, and spend time snuggling on the couch with Luke. There is nothing better than to spend some quiet moments together. These are moments to pack away to cherish on another day. They pass all too quickly.
- I am thankful for a husband who can be a Mr. Fix It. This week he fixed a slow draining sink. Not a very pleasant job....but definitely necessary. He is also in the process of trying to figure out a cranky hot water heater. I look forward to seeing his Christmas tree light show this year.
- I am thankful that my home is not located in a flood prone region. I am thankful that no trees decided to fall on my house. I am thankful for a well built home that has kept us safe, dry, and warm during this week's storm.
- I am thankful for encouraging conversations with Caden's teacher. Her willingness to share observations with me helps me to help him better. I enjoyed seeing her willingness to help him to succeed.
Posted by
1:38 PM
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Summer Revisited
The weather has been nasty lately. Literally there are cities under water in our area. We had a little bit of sunshine yesterday...but today has been foggy and dark. I miss the bright, warm sunshine of summer. Since I can't have the warm, sunny days of summer, I thought that I would revisit them.
When I was in high school, my wacked-out youth leaders (aka: my parents) had a Beach Party in the middle of the winter. We dressed in summer wear and posed in our bathing suits outside....standing in several inches of snow. Weird, huh? Yep. Wished that I had a picture of that on my computer to show you. We did have a lot of fun.
Well, here, it is wet outside. No snow...and none in the forecast. Bummer. So...let's have a beach party. How? Just thought I would do a Picture Trip through summer. The following pictures are from our summer vacation to North Idaho. Shall we visit warmer days together? Come along with me......This first picture was taken on top of Mineral Ridge, Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. We had just climbed to the top and seemed like a good photo opp. Aren't they cute???
I think I could easily title this one "Generational Sin." Can't you just see it all? There's Grammy...shooting M&M's into Kyle's mouth. Then there is Kyle acting like a true snarker. Ha! Now...I realize the generational thing takes a DNA leap here. There is no DNA connection between Grammy and Ken there....but do you see his sneaky little hand there? He's so innocent, isn't he? He's only filling Grammy's hood with pine cones. Hmmmmm......
This is the gorgeous view from Mineral Ridge looking over Lake Coeur d'Alene. Pretty, huh?Then we were off to Round Lake. Our God sighting of the day was this moose and her baby. I thought they were a tad foolish getting so close. Tim couldn't pass up an opportunity to get a picture. This isn't the closest picture....but it does show family.
Thanks to Uncle Ken....Caden got to enjoy a little fishing. He had a blast. I don't remember if he caught anything...but he was in heaven!
Isn't it gorgeous? This picture just makes me ache for warmer days! Makes me wish for freer schedules, too......
This year, when we went to Round Lake, it wasn't nearly as warm as last year. So, I didn't go swimming. Luke didn't seem to mind the cooler temperatures. He just had a truck load of fun!
The next day, we were off to Lake Pend Oreille. It is a huge lake...and very deep. Thus this lake never gets very warm. It does have a great little bay to swim in. The temps were still not very warm....so it made the water feel colder. Kyle's expression says it all.
Because the water was so cold, the challenge of the day was to see who could go in the furthest. Here is Caden's attempt. He's marking on his belly how far in he went. It was so cold that he would come gasping out to show us.
Eventually he had to beat every one out there in getting wet. Do you see that his level has now risen to his neck line. If you think that is good....just wait.... Here Caden is getting ready to take the full plunge.
Success!! He made it all the way in.....only to come dashing out as fast as he could because it was so cold. I didn't download the picture....but Kyle couldn't be beat by Caden. He soon took the plunge, too.
Finally....here is Luke reveling in his Great Find for the day. He is just so thrilled. Really? All it is a cup of rocks. Oh to go back to the days when we could be so easily pleased.
Hope you enjoyed a moment in the sun with me. I feel a little cheerier already!
Posted by
4:43 PM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Mom, Why is God Torturing Us?
That was the question that my sweet daughter asked me on the way to school this morning. Kind of a strange question. I sort of just brushed it off. I just told her that God wasn't torturing us. I said it kind of lightly. Seemed like an odd way to look at a rain storm.
The Portland area has been inundated with rain and high winds lately. As we drove by the park on our way to school this morning, it looked like there was a downed tree in the park. The creek running through the park was definitely at flood levels. When the rain and the winds are so dark and furious, it can definitely feel as if God is throwing a little bit of a temper.....or something. Yesterday, when she asked me a similar question, I simply said that God was showing Himself to still be in control.....that though man seems to think he knows a whole heck of a lot....really God is still the Almighty.
God must have had a sense of humor today. Right around lunch time, today, the clouds broke and sunshine poured through. As I was walking to check the mail, I sent a few Thank Yous up to heaven. I thanked him for the break in the rain. I thanked him that the wind had calmed. I thanked him for the warmth of the sunshine upon my face. It felt so good.
It wasn't too long after I had walked in the door that I got a call from Daria. She had slipped in the mud during recess. I was really hoping that it wasn't very bad. But...nope. Down one whole side of her, she looked like she had slid into home base for the winning run. Ugh. It was a little amusing. Though, she had this poor little sad-me face on. Poor girlie. Even though it was amusing, I must admit that I was a little disappointed. She had on fairly new, light khaki pants on and a pale pink shirt. As she was changing her clothes, I was disappointed that these clothes were now stained. Try as I might, I never seem to be able to completely remove mud stains.
So, God had a good chuckle on me. I couldn't help but think of Daria's question today. Why is God torturing us? Made me laugh a little as I thought about her little slide in the mud and my frustrations with mud-stained clothes. Maybe He is torturing us after all!
Well....her clothes are now soaking in a tub of Simple Green and Oxyclean. We'll see how things go. Just a little reminder that things are not nearly as important as people....and that God is still in control.
Posted by
2:16 PM
Monday, December 3, 2007
Taking a little Air out of the Balloon....
Or I'll pop!
I attended Women of Faith this Fall. It was wonderful. I really enjoyed listening to Anita Renfroe. She is hilarious! I was reminded today of this hilarious song that she did about all the things a Mom says in 24 hours. I didn't realize it was on YouTube until today. So funny. I thought I would share it with you today. I also saw an interview she did on the Today show. Her one comment was that this song is for Moms on the days when they need to take a little air out of the balloon or they'll pop.
Here's the link....have a laugh!
Posted by
11:25 AM
Christmas Time is here....Yahoo!
I hope that you read that title with just a tad bit of sarcasm. I really do enjoy the Christmas season. I love the colors, the parties and the fun, the gift giving, the carols, and times together with family. But, as an adult, I am finding that there are a lot of things about the Christmas season that I do not enjoy. Shopping...okay...that isn't new...I've always hated shopping...I just dislike it even more now that there are little ones to deal with in the process. I do not like the crowds, rude people, dashing here and there to get to all the Christmas functions and parties, and did I mention the shopping????
Somehow Christmas always seems to sneak up on me. I keep telling myself that I will get my Christmas shopping done early. Then...BAM!.....it is December and I am left to muddle my way through it all. I think I am just in plain ol' denial. If I just don't think about it, surely Christmas won't really come. I think I am doing the same thing about turning 40. Granted I have a few more years until then....but pretty soon my ignoring won't make it go away! Ha!
We did get our Christmas tree up this weekend. It turned out pretty nice. The process is usually a little stressful for me. This year wasn't as bad. We bought our tree through a fundraiser for our school. This is the first time in a long time we haven't gone out to a tree farm to pick out our very own. I thought that I would miss that process....but after the weather this weekend....I find that I didn't miss it at all! Considering that we didn't get to actually pick our tree....I am extremely pleased with our tree. I couldn't have picked better if I had tried! Bonus: We didn't get muddy and cold. And no arguing!
The one stressful part, for me, is the kids' overexuberance for decorating. As soon as those Christmas boxes come out of the attic, they descend upon them like starving vultures. If they were a little more methodical about things, I wouldn't mind so much. If I turn my back for a second, things would literally be dumped out into one big mound of chaos. They haven't learned the art of savoring Christmas tree decorating....to take each ornament out in it's own sweet process....to soak up the memories of each one.
Here is Me: "Look, guys, here is the ornament I made for Daria on her first Christmas. I remember when....."
My Kids: "ooo...Can I put it up?" "No, me." "No...it's mine." "Mom....she always gets to put them up." "How come she has an ornament and not me???" "Oooo....wait....look this is mine." "No, it's not!" "Hey, that's not fair!!" "MO-OM!!!!"
Me: "Aaaaarrrrggggghhhhh!!!"
And so it goes.
I have learned to just let it be at times. I refuse to allow the process to be destroyed by their bickering. I remain hopeful that someday, they will slow down and enjoy the process a little more. For now, they are Speed Tree Decorators. I think this was our fastest year ever.....only in the fact that they are getting a little more skilled at hanging things up.
I thought I would share a few pictures of our tree decorating experience. We really did have a good time together....and I think things look pretty.
Here is Tim's contribution to the tree. He does set the tree up in the stand. Usually that is about it....this year, he put up lights. I was a little surprised at his confession this year. It explains his behavior immensely. He said as he got older, he would place all his ornaments in one small area of the tree. It would annoy his mom....so then she wouldn't ask for his help any longer. Hmmmmm.....I'll have to figure something out about that. Here is the proof that Tim did contribute to the process.
Luke is getting more adept at putting his ornaments on the tree. Though, in his frustration, I noticed that at times he would just kind of toss the ornament into the tree. Later, after it fell off, I would have to put it back on. Which was good, most of the ornaments ended up right about Luke's level.
Caden was obsessed with putting all "his" ornaments in the front. I was trying to spread them around, but I noticed that a couple of "his" ornaments had been discreetly moved to the front.
Daria did a great job decorating the tree. Without her help, the top of the tree would be naked. Either that, or I would have been redecorating the tree in the middle of the night after the "elves" had gone to sleep!
Here are my three little elves. Don't they just look so sweet and innocent?
Oh....I was able to get a few ornaments up myself. I literally had to beat down the beasties to have an opportunity....but I did manage. See:
Here we are all together. We really did have a family night!
Finally...here is the final product. Tim took the kids to pick up some Burgerville while I finished the last little touches. Caden wanted to know how I had gotten the tulle up on the tree. I told him it was magic. Pure magic!
Here is to a Merry Christmas!! Cheers!!
Posted by
8:52 AM