Monday, December 31, 2007

Out with the Old...In with the New

Happy New Years!! It is so hard to believe that it is New Year's Eve. This years has flown by. I remember as a child that a year felt like an eternity. Now, as an adult, it feels like a blink of an eye. Personally, I don't feel like I've changed much. Though, I have noticed that my gray hairs seem to be multiplying lately. Then, I look at my kids...and WHOA....a lot of things have changed over the year.

So, on this last day of 2007, do I stand here and look back at where we have been? Or do I look forward at the things yet to come? When I look back, I can surely rejoice at the places that we have been and the things we have accomplished. Luke has mellowed out and become a sweet little boy. Caden has broken out of his shell, becoming more comfortable in who he is. Daria has matured, trying and accomplishing many new things. Praise!!

The year ahead holds many new things for them, too. Luke will enter kindergarten this fall. (!!!) Wow. I am not sure I am ready for that. My heart kind of clenches with that change....but I am sure that God will see both Luke and I through that transition. How is it that my baby will be ready for kindergarten??? Caden wants to try playing soccer this year. For him to want to join a sports team is monumental. I hope that he will be able to match the kids with skill so that he isn't discouraged. Daria, I am sure, will continue to amaze me at the places she will go. She wants to try and do so many things. How do I even begin to support all that she wants to accomplish?

So, what about myself? I can see many ways in which I have "grown." I've stepped out of the shadows a little bit in being involved in my kids' school. Even at church, I am taking on more roles and responsibilities. I'm not exactly sure where I will end up at the end of 2008. I know that I look forward to Luke being in a bittersweet kind of way. It will be a new era for both of us....for the first time in over 9 years, I won't have constant supervision over at least one child. What will I do with that time? I've often thought of taking guitar lessons. Maybe this fall, I will finally tackle that.

Yet, where will I go? What will I accomplish? What things in my life...physically, emotionally, spiritually...will I get rid of, clean out, or improve? Will I be a different person on December 31, 2008 than I am on December 31, 2007? In many ways, being my own worst critic, I sure hope so.

That is a lot of things to think about on this day when many are making resolutions. I don't really make resolutions. That is just another way to disappoint myself!! Yet, I do want to continue to grow, continue to improve, continue to change. I am praying that God will give me the wisdom....and the let go of the things that I need to let go. I am praying that He will give me wisdom...and pick up those things that I need to lay a hold of.

A new year. A new chance. A fresh start.

Sort of.