Tuesday, October 9, 2007

E.L.I. ****Every-day Life Investment****

We all know the story of Samuel. He was a boy...a gift from God to his mother, Hannah. In her gratitude, she gave Samuel back to God and he was raised in the temple under Eli, the priest. One night, Samuel heard the voice of God call him and Eli told him to answer. From there, Samuel became one of the greatest religious leaders of ancient Israel.

Northwest Yearly Meeting of Friends offers a program for Jr. High youth who are recognized as leaders in their churches. This program is called Samuel school....helping to equip them to hear and obey God's voice. This program also desires to connect these youth with adults in their church who will have a "significant impact on his or her life through every-day activities.....As an ELI, you can share some of what it means for you to be a Christian in 'every-day life,' helping them get a better grasp on their own situation and future growth."

It feels like a daunting task. Know why I feel that? I have been asked by a young lady in our church to be her ELI. It has been over a month now since she asked me and I have been praying diligently about this task. Quite frankly, it scares me a little bit....okay...a lot. I've been praying that I don't mess this up..that somehow I can honor God in spite of my insecurities. I have also been praying that this will be a profound time for her.

It seems kind of strange that this Samuel school thing has come full circle for me. I attended the very first Samuel school when I was in Jr. High back in 1983. From what I remember, I enjoyed it a lot. There was a lot of information. Back in those days, we didn't have ELIs to come home to and encourage us. So, here I am...asked to be an ELI. Seems daunting.

It hits so many insecure areas in my life. I'm not a very bold and intentional person....especially when I don't know people very well. To make the initial contacts in our relationship, as this will demand, feels a little unnerving. Don't know exactly why...but it does. I stayed awake quite a long time last night, trying to think of some things that we could do together casually that would lend itself to talking about her faith. Those pregnant pauses of conversational expectations send me into a blur....and yet I want to be faithful to this "calling."

I purchased her a pretty journal today. I plan on writing a letter in it and giving it as a gift before she leaves on Friday. Hopefully that will allow me to share some of my feelings with her without the pressure of listening to some old lady who might come across like a nagging mom. (I'm only a couple of years younger than her mom! :-0 )

Pray for Lindsay this weekend as she heads to Quaker Hill, in Idaho, for Samuel School. Pray that she will find a love and a passion for hearing and obeying God. Pray for me as I pray for her and reach out to her as her ELI. This is unchartered ground for me as I have never "mentored" anyone...nor have I ever been mentored.

For I am the Lord, your God,
who takes hold of your right hand
and says to you, "Do not fear;
I will help you."
Isaiah 41:13


Anonymous said...
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Tresa said...

You'll do a great job being an Eli, Kip. God equips those He calls! Enjoy where He leads! Alyssa is heading to Samuel School on Friday too. She's thrilled. I'm praying that God speaks to her in special ways too!

Love you!

Jennie said...

I remember when Tera and I went to Samuel school. There was no mistake in her choosing you. You will be great at it. Great idea on the journal.

Thinking of you in North Idaho.

Anonymous said...

You'll make a great Eli, Christine. I'm praying for you.