Thursday, October 4, 2007

Thankful Thursday

Happy Thankful Thursday! Can you believe that another week has flown by? I swear that my days are going by faster than they were before. We measured the kids on the wall last night. You know, the wall that just about every family has....all the little pencil marks with names and dates and ages....marking out the height related to all. My sweet little Luke measured taller, at age four, than Caden was at age 5. I guess I knew that in my heart.....little shocking to see it in actuality. Time flies.....hold tight to those moments.

I have come to love Thursdays. Not only am I reminded to be thankful, Thursday mornings I meet with my Moms In Touch group....and I just LOVE that precious time. We had 8 of us this morning....praying for an accumulated total of kids: 14!!! That doesn't include the little ones that aren't in school yet! I have written all their names down in a list by grade because I love to mention them all by name in closing. I love to just ask Jesus to touch them each and overflow that touch to those around them. I cried today as I saw that list. It is amazing. That leads me to my first thankfulness.....

  • I am so thankful for these other moms who meet with me every Thursday. I am thankful that they pray for my children and I for theirs. It is such a precious and amazing time. God is so faithful to us.
  • I am thankful for Daria's teacher....for her creativeness in class. I am thankful that my daughter loves school and is doing so well.
  • I am thankful for Caden's excitement with the things that he is learning. I am thankful that he is enjoying art. I am thankful that he is singing. I am thankful that he enjoys his new P.E. teacher. I am thankful that others see that he is growing and changing.
So much to be thankful for. I can't help but rejoice today.

Thank you, Jesus, for your faithfulness today and always.....