Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thankful Thursday!

Can you believe it? Another Thursday has arrived. Another day to be thankful! When I started Thankful Thursday, I thought I was being a tad bit original. I had "borrowed" the idea from a friend....but I had the impression from her blog that she was only doing it once. A few weeks ago, I was reading on a different friend's blog and noticed she had this cute little picture advertising Thankful Thursday. I thought..."Now how cool is that? How did she do that?" Then last week, I clicked on it...just for fun....and it took me to this whole website page devoted to Thankful Thursday. There was a blogroll of quite a few blogs who participate in Thankful Thursday. Well...if that just doesn't beat the band! I'm glad that I'm not the only one being Thankful on Thursday....but I was a tad disappointed to see that I wasn't so original! LOL!! So, let's join the many others who find today a good day to be thankful!

  • Today I am thankful for the beautiful sunshine that we have had this week. What a blessed relief that it has been for me. I tend to get a little down when the weather is dark, gray and cold. I have just been drinking in the sunshine. It feels so good to climb into a warm, toasty van on a crisp, cool Fall day.
  • I am also thankful that Luke is loving his swimming lessons. After the miserable time we had last year, it is so exciting to see his joy. He is so full of enthusiasm for swimming. I just love it. To see his smile as he is doing things that last year had him makes my heart sing.
  • I am thankful for Caden's growing confidence. He had his second share day at school yesterday. When I asked him if he was prepared, he told me that he was....and that he had been practicing what he was going to say for days. Yeah!! Last time, he did not want to do share at all. Then, we talked about it and planned what he would say. It went so well. This time was no sweat. When I asked him how it went... he told me it went great. Woo hoo!!
  • As always, I am thankful for my family, my kids' health, Tim's job....and my friends. They are a blessing.
Have a Thankful day!!


Ms. Kathleen said...

Well bless your heart! All these thanks going up and the Lord wanted you to join the party! Awesome!

Have a great weekend!

Denise said...

Bless you dear one.

Mary said...

A great list. Thanks so much for sharing.


TexasTanya said...

Beautiful blessings!
Thank you for sharing.

Heather said...

Sunshine on my shoulders makes me happy...

Anonymous said...

So glad you are joining in the TT fun. Your post is delightful.

Crystal said...

What a great list of thankfuls! Thanks so much for joining in with this week's Thankful Thursday! Sorry it's taken me so long to get here!