Christmas didn't look like I thought it was going to look like. But, you know, the funny thing about Christmas is somehow Christmas always ends up pretty good. God is good that way.
Our tradition has been to celebrate Christmas Eve with Tim's family....get up early Christmas day and drive to North Idaho to be with my family. It has actually worked out pretty slick over the years. This year things were a little too slick to make all that happen.
On Christmas Eve, it took us 2 1/2 hours to make a normal 1 hr 15 minute trip. The first half of the trip was probably one of the most exciting, yet completely nerve-wracking experiences of my life. The unusual snow storm we had this year made travel in our area a nightmare. Thankfully, we stayed on the roads and made it to our destination. For the amount of time we were with family, I would much rather have stayed home! I hope they know that we love them, because family is the only ones that makes an experience like that worthwhile. Here are a few pictures from our Christmas Eve event:I got to hold David Howard!! Isn't he just the cutest? I have a scowly look on my face because I was wanting Tim to catch a picture of him "eating" the ball we gave him for Christmas...I wasn't sure that he had gotten one. I guess he did. It was fun watching him munch on it.
Here are all the Brandt Cousins. It was hard to get them all to look at the camera and smile all at the same time. It didn't help that they were all tired and sugared up....but they were cute anyway.
And here is my family on Christmas Eve....after 2 1/2 hours of awful snow driving....3 hours of Christmas Fun...and anticipating a long, messy drive home. Going home was better than getting there....but still quite the experience. Portland really doesn't do snow very well at all.
Then comes Christmas. Due to the awful road conditions, we opted to stay at home Christmas Day in hopes that things would improve given time. It was disappointing.....but when I get to hug and kiss on my three, very special Christmas's not so bad.The next three pictures are just to highlight some of the fun things of the morning:
We had a good day together. The kids ended the day taking a bath together. They had gotten bath kits the night before and had a lot of fun. I had put bath tint tablets in their they added those too. It wasn't until this morning, that I noticed that they had used the WHOLE container!! No wonder the water was black....and left a scum line to end all scum lines.
One of Caden's gifts was Uno Attack. (Have I ever mentioned before how much that boy loves games?) The day after Christmas, I think that Tim, Daria, and Caden played Uno Attack for 6 hours straight. From 11:00 in the morning, until 5:00 at night. That about sums up The Day After Christmas. It doesn't need a post of its own!
Though we have managed to have a good time on Plan B for Christmas, we still miss being in North Idaho with family. Things just don't seem the same. Both Daria and I have shed our share of tears....but we are eagerly anticipating a possible Late Christmas some time in January. Caden thought maybe it would be fun to save his Idaho Christmas presents for his birthday so that he would have twice as many presents on his birthday. When I reminded him that he had 6 months until his birthday, he decided that wasn't as good of an idea as he first thought!
With all the snow we had these last couple of weeks, tomorrow looks good for having Church. Church was canceled last week due to the snow....Christmas Eve was "canceled," even though they did an abbreviated service for whomever could get there. Not sure how many actually made it there. When they did the kids' Christmas program a couple of weeks ago, not many were there because of are presenting it again tomorrow. The Melody Chime choir that I am a part of will be doing our Christmas songs on January 4th.
Looks like we are having Make-Up Christmases everywhere. I'm praying that the Weather will behave and all our Make-Ups can really be made up. I'm putting in my requests to the Great Planner....NOW!!
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas: In Review
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7:54 PM
Labels: life
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
As the Clock Strikes......
It is almost Christmas Eve. Literally. There is about 20 minutes until it is officially Christmas Eve. I just finished wrapping Christmas gifts a couple of minutes ago. I thought I would celebrate by drinking my last little bit of egg nog....and writing a quick blog.
It has been a crazy week. Or a couple of weeks really. I feel like I have been living someone else's life. It is like the snow has distorted everything and things seem the same....and yet totally different all at the same time. The snow has also canceled every single Christmas event that I have had planned thus far. Our Christmas tree reminds me that it really is Christmas. Even our family gathering tomorrow has been moved due to fallen trees at my in-laws. (Guess they are worried that more will fall while we celebrate???)
As I was reading my book last night, one of the characters made a very profound statement: "You make plans and God makes plans, guess who has seniority in the planning department."
That was a good reminder for me last night. God knows all that is happening....and He isn't surprised by it. He is in control...and I am not.
With that, I am off to bed. Merry Christmas!
p.s. Happy Birthday, Kristin....I hope you had a wonderful day!! Love ya!
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11:39 PM
Labels: life
Monday, December 22, 2008
And it just keeps coming.....
Aka: Let it snow! Let it snow! Let it snow!
Last night, before we went to bed, Tim cleared off a portion of the deck. This morning, when I measured, there was another 7 inches of snow!!
I was listening to the news briefly and the newscaster was saying that we have had 14.5 inches of snow. To some, like my parents who live in a snow belt, that doesn't sound like a whole bunch. But for our area, it is crazy. The newscaster also said that this December 2008 snowfall is the most December snow the Portland area has had since 1968. This particular storm system we are in right now, he said it is the largest winter storm EVER since 1980.
Pretty impressive records that have been shattered. In my opinion, anyway. The best way to tell the story is through pictures. So, I think I will post a few.This is a picture of the big pine tree in our front yard. Occasionally, the snow gets too heavy and we have a big down fall of snow. I just happened to capture some of it. A little bit later, I noticed that we lost a couple of branches on that tree as well. They were close to the house....but didn't seem to cause any damage.
The kids were having a great time playing in the snow. It was fun to see how much snow was piled on the roof.
Then I turned around on the deck and tried to get a perspective shot on the amount of snow on the roof of the house. I found that pretty amazing.
At least this last round was nice and fluffy again. Made the playing a little more worthwhile.
This is a picture I couldn't resist. This is my neighbor's car literally buried under all the snow. Crazy!! And even though this car is buried...our other neighbor attempted to get his car out of the drive way.
They spent a good half hour or so out there spitting snow and dirt trying to get that car to move. It now sits exactly where it sits right now. If they had been paying attention at all they would have noticed others getting stuck. Our culdesac doesn't get much traffic, so it is a death trap right now.
One last perspective shot. I thought our mailboxes looked cool with their little snow caps on. I noticed that our mail carrier didn't arrive today until after 5:00. How miserable!!
This afternoon, I was blessed to have Ryan, our neighbor, who had the weather-worthy vehicle take me to the mall today. I was really amazed at how many people were on the roads...and at the malls. Guess they were just as desperate as I was. I was thankful for the opportunity to get out of the house. I was also thankful that Tim made it home from work safely. His work actually closed things down early....and I was very happy to hear that. I am just wishing that they would close it for the rest of the week.
Hope everyone is staying warm and dry.
Posted by
1:57 PM
Labels: life
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Sportscaster of the Year!
My precious Luke has quite the imagination. Half of the time, I have no idea where he has learned some of the things that he picks up. I declare he is going to have one interesting future ahead of him! The world is at his fingers and he will seize it. I predict it!!
While I was preparing the post on our Snow Adventures, he was at the table behind me. He had pulled out about 20 plastic cups and he was enjoying stacking them up as high as he could and in fun designs. When I write, I often find myself in a zone and I don't notice a whole lot going on around me. Somewhere in the midst of my focus, I began to notice what Luke was chattering about.
Crack. Me. Up.
As I listened to my son, I noticed that he was giving a blow-by-blow description of the steps that he was taking. It was just like he was a sportscaster calling a game. So, as I tried to finish my post, I found myself focusing on what he was saying. When he would have a great line, I would scribble it down so I wouldn't forget. So, here is a taste of Luke: Sportscaster of the Year:
Look at Luke go----He's incredible!
Look at him go....he's doing great!
Good! Now it's time for the Table Maker.
If you make the biggest, you won! He makes two in a row. Oh! He knocks it over. He recatches! Did you see that? Wow!! Look at him go!
He zig zags again! He's working hard.
That is so amazing!
Look at that Zig Zagger go! How did he do that?
It's my imagination!
Oh he was so adorable. Too bad you all couldn't have gotten an actual taste of his great commentary. I declare....he's going to be awesome one day!!
Posted by
4:16 PM
Snow What Fun....
Or as the newscasters are calling it: Arctic Blast 2008.
A friend of mine on Facebook says to Embrace the Weather. That's what we're trying to do. It has been crazy snowing here. Our area is lucky to get a handful of inches of snow each year. We've blown that away in the last twenty four hours. So far....we have had 10-12 inches of snow....and about 3/8 of an inch of freezing rain. If you look behind the tape can see that the measurement is close to 10 inches. Our porch is somewhat the open road has more!
Yesterday the snow was BEAUTIFUL. It was light and fluffy and perfect for sledding. It being Saturday, the five of us bundled up and hit the hill in the park...just outside our backyard.We also went sledding with some friends from church. We all had a great time racing down the hills....
....and eating the snow.
It really was the perfect winter day. Beautiful snow. Fun hills to slide on. Friends to play with. And Tim was home from work!! Yeah. The kids have had a blast.
Then last night, the freezing rain came in. Ugh. I love the snow....but I hate freezing rain. It just makes a mess of everything. BUT....the kids have managed to have fun anyway.So, that is how we are surviving, I mean embracing, the weather this week. My only wishes are that: 1) Tim didn't have to go to work tomorrow in this mess; and 2) that I could be guaranteed that we could at least have our Christmas celebrations with family.
Here is to saying lots of prayers...and crossing our fingers. Stay safe, warm and dry!Notice the downed branches in the above picture!!
Posted by
3:49 PM
Friday, December 19, 2008
Blast to the Past
Music can be a very powerful influence on a person. Teachers use music all the time to help their students memorize random facts of life. I know that every time I sing the hymn, "When We All Get to Heaven," I think of my Grandma Willa. And when I hear, "Up From the Grave," I think of my Grandpa Wayne and how he loved to draw out the phrasing. Powerful emotions get attached to music. Music can change the world.
Today, Daria and I had a Mom-and-Daria day. The boys were off to a play date, so we had some quality time together. Since the roads were icy, and Tim took our one semi-decent "weather" vehicle to work with him, Daria and I walked to Joe's Sporting Goods to do a little shopping. I decided to treat us to McDonald's for lunch, too. As we were sitting there eating, a song came on that flashed me back about 2(ahem)7 years.
Scare me.
As we were listening to that song, I was right back in the dentist office of Dr. Coppess in Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. I could see just about every detail of the waiting room. In that moment, I could have laid out his whole office and picked the fabric swatches. I probably even remember the magazine selection on the coffee tables as well. It was so eery. Funny thing is, though, that every time I hear this song, I am taken back to his office. Not sure why that song sends me back there. I wonder if I have some sort of horrible, subconscious memory of an incident that occurred while that song was playing. Or maybe that song was playing every time I was in his office. He probably had a canned, easy-listening track that played on a repetitive cycle. I don't is just plain weird.
I was so amused by this music-memory phenomenon, that I tried to chant the key phrasing so that I would remember it, so that I could blog about it. It was such a hilarious moment for me. But you know, when I finally got home and had some time to blog, I could not recall the song to save my life. Ugh. That is so frustrating.
Just a few minutes ago, I was in the bathroom getting ready for bed. I found myself singing this little ditty to myself. After singing that phrase about half a dozen times, it dawned on me that it was that song that I was singing. So, I am...sharing this profound (ha!) moment of my day.
So, for your listening pleasure tonight, here is the song that blasted me to the past today: You'll Never Find by Lou Rawls.
Posted by
11:18 PM
Labels: life
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Thankful Thursday....Snow Day Style
After a week of my schedule and plans being thrown off, I am proud to say that we survived the first round of winter storms for the Portland Area. That alone is something to be thankful for. The forecasters say there is another round of storms to come, so I guess I better get busy and be thankful. I may just be grumbling in a couple. I'll pray that we keep it all together though!!
So, this week I am thankful for:
- A warm house. As the weather dipped to the low 20s this week, I have been so thankful for a warm, dry home to come home to. I have also so enjoyed my new "decorating" job. It has been a blessing to sit and enjoy it when I have felt a little stiry crazy this week. God has blessed us.
- For the snow. Yes, I will be thankful for the snow. It was so fun to watch the kids enjoying the good, honest fun of sledding. I am thankful that we live close to the park with a great hill. (Even though, sometimes it gets overrun with big kids who don't pay attention very well!) For a couple of days, the white snow was truly beautiful to look at.
- For Tim's safety driving to and from work. I wish he could stay home with us and have a "true" snow day. Instead, I will be thankful for his safety.
- That the kids and I made a break for it today. Yes....we actually were able to leave the house today. Probably could have braved the roads yesterday, but the forecast sounded beyond horrible, so Tim took the van to work. I didn't want to mess with the car on the yucky roads. Today, the roads were actually very good. The kids and I made it to a couple of stores and I completed a little bit more of my shopping. That felt good. Even though I don't care for shopping that much, it was nice to get out and about.
Happy Thankful Thursday....and Merry CHRISTMAS!!!
Posted by
5:37 PM
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Stir Crazy
This is just craziness. Tomorrow is Day 3 of Snow Days. The kids and I are going just a little bit looney. For the last two days, we haven't had any new snow in our area. Thus, the snow that is here is not the best for playing in. So, with it being cold and not-so-great snow, the kids and I have been stuck inside today. Oh my.
As the cabin fever sneaks in, I have been noticing an increase of the Bug-a=Mes. Meaning...."I am going to bug you until you scream....or you hit my in frustration." Oh joy.(Right now, Luke and Daria are enjoying doing "bottom stamps" to each other. It is all fun and games until someone......) That just drives me nuts. In an effort to stave off those Bug-a-Mes...the kids and I made sugar cookies today. We also watched 3 past episodes of Survivor. We are looking forward to watching some more episodes tomorrow. I missed this whole last I am hoping to finish it. I may just get my wish.
The rest of the week isn't looking too good for school either. The weather just looks nasty tomorrow. With more snow...freezing rain...and more snow. Yuck. The city of Portland is asking people to stay home tomorrow. (I doubt Tim will, though.) I just hope the roads clear enough before Christmas that we can do our traveling to family.
Maybe I should have titled todays post: Adventures in Christmas. Oy.
Posted by
7:46 PM
Labels: life
Monday, December 15, 2008
Slicker than Sn_ _!
Winter in Oregon is definitely an experience. We are woefully, inadequately prepared to handle any amount of snowfall.....especially if it hangs around for more than 24 hours!! As I mentioned yesterday, we had 4-5 inches of snow on Sunday. It closed schools today....and closing schools tomorrow. We are due to have more snow arrive on Wednesday. Looks like we have a good chance of a bonus week of Christmas vacation!
BUT....Murphy's law has been at work in my Christmas shopping "plans." This year, it really stinks big time to be a procrastinator. (I'm vowing now to be better next year. Tim took the van today because it was the vehicle with chains. That left me without a car. So, when he got home tonight, I headed out to try and conquer my Christmas list. My goodness is it slick out there. I wish that I could take a picture that would show the glistening ice everywhere. Because Oregon doesn't have snow plows....all that lovely snow gets packed onto the roads. And it is slippery. I don't mind driving in the is the ice that really gets me.
One benefit to the ice is that there weren't many people out shopping. I probably shouldn't have been out there, either. That fact that it was quiet shopping....made my little night adventure worthwhile. I so hate the holiday crowds.
So, I am close to being done. If worse comes to worse, I may be handing out cash to those who I haven't found gifts for yet. Ugh. I hate that. But....I refuse to traipse the miles to the mall on the icy roads.
Hope everyone is staying warm, dry, and safe.
Posted by
10:23 PM
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Color Me Christmas
Today it snowed. There is just something about snow and Christmas. They go together like bread and butter. Peanut butter and chocolate. Laverne and Shirley. Kids and Candy. (Tim wanted to add: Like Garlic Cheese biscuits and strawberry jam. Eeewww.) Enough of catch my drift.
I love the snow. I love how it covers over the dreary, gray landscape. I love how it frosts the trees just so. I love how it brightens the sky. I even love the orangish tint the sky takes on after dark when it is snowing. (If you think that is attention the next time it snows in the dark. I could always tell when it was snowing in the dark, early morning hours by the color of the sky. Trust me.) For me, if it isn't a white Christmas....something is wrong.
So today, with the snow coming down, I sort of rejoiced. It makes it feel so much more like Christmas. The boys and I headed out to the hill in the park and they spent a couple of hours roaring down the hills. I will admit that I joined them a couple of times. How could I resist? I find it amusing that my kids who can't pick up their rooms because they are too tired, can spend tireless hours soaring down the hill only to drudge back up a kazillion times. Such is life.
Snow, for our area, also means SCHOOLS CLOSED. Sure enough, they cancelled school for the day....for tomorrow, I mean. I usually enjoy those days because I like sleeping in just as much as the kids. BUT....I am no where near completed on my Christmas shopping. Monday was going to be my big day to get it all done....or mostly done. I was hoping, anyway. Now....I have all my kids home from school....Tim is taking the van because it has chains. So.....if I want to get any shopping done, I'll need to walk. With three kids who, I'm sure, will be too tired.
I guess to solve my Holiday worries, I will have to make some sugar cookie dough or something and keep the kids entertained. Guess I will just put all the shopping aside for the day and hope for the best. looks like Christmas out there. Yippee!!
Posted by
10:53 PM
Labels: life
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Decking the Halls
With less than two weeks until Christmas, we finally got our tree up today!! I think that is the latest that we have ever done it. I cannot tell you how tempting it was to just skip doing it this year. Ah...but tradition....and the kids....wouldn't allow us to skip the tree. Once it is up and beautiful, I usually am pretty glad about it, too.
The kids did really good decorating this year. It didn't feel quite as much like a tornado whipping through my house as it has in years past. I'm sure that it is a combination of my kids growing older and their mom relaxing about it a little. They also did a better "placement" of the ornaments this year, too. It is good to see them thinking about it before they actually put them on there. The only ones that I "moved" was those ones that had fallen off the tree. Once again, I think I am relaxing. Ha. Finally.
And....after all that work....we don't have a full on view of the tree....but at least the pictures give you a taste of Christmas at our house. Enjoy!
Posted by
8:39 PM
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Redeeming the Negative
One of my greatest failings in life is my anger and how quickly my frustrations get the better of me. It has been an area of my life that has caused me much grief. I have spent countless hours repenting, confessing, and pleading for freedom from this ugly blight in my life. Sometimes, I feel like God and I are getting a grip on it. Then other times, I blow it royally. What I wouldn't do to have anger be gone from my life for good.
A couple of months ago, when school was still pretty new for Luke, I said something off-handed in a moment of frustration and anger. It was so very wrong. I have never forgotten it...and I believe it haunts me to this day. For the area that I made the comment on, is now the areas that Luke is manifesting his learning problems in school. I am convinced....and I am not sure that I could ever not be convinced....that Luke's problems were exacerbated by my flying-off-the-handle comment.
From the research that I have done in the last few weeks, I am also convinced that Luke's issue has to do to: 1. He is a boy....boys mature a lot slower than girls. 2. He's just not ready. 3. He's a stubborn little man. But, when I see him absorbing lessons and learning like all the others....but when I ask him about his letters and numbers, I see him disconnect and distance himself. I truly believe that that disconnect is a consequence of my inaptly spoken words.
Thus, I am praying that God would redeem those awful words. Redeem: to deliver; restore the honor or worth of; to turn in and receive something in exchange; ransom, exchange or buy back. This is the specific area that I am asking God to repay what the locusts have eaten. (Joel 2:25)
I heard once that it takes NINE positive remarks to bridge the deficit caused by ONE negative remark. A negative word steals so much from someone. The picture that I have in my head right now is like when you emboss an image on a piece of paper. And though you could smooth that image out, the paper is still left marred. It may feel "smooth" to the touch, but when you look at the can still see the evidence of the mark.
I am praying that God will heal that mark that I made on my son. I am praying that God would give him a confidence that defies all the odds. I am also praying that I will be realistic in my expectations. I'm doing lots of research on ways that I can help my son. I am praying that God would help Luke to make the connections he needs to succeed. I just don't want my son to have to struggle all the time.
I am praying that through this whole adventure....Luke and I will be changed. Never to be the same again.
Posted by
10:05 AM
Monday, December 8, 2008
Today was the first day since Tim and I made The Decision that I was "by myself." I found my emotions about my decision a little difficult today. I found myself mourning the "What Would Have Beens."
I started to think about the first day of school next year. For will be the first day of kindergarten. Again.
The friends that he has this year....will be different next year. At the start of school, he would have been a first grader.
I was amazed at how quickly the positives that I know that this will be for Luke was swamped with all these would-have-beens. I was a little frustrated with that. I finally decided that it was okay to allow myself to mourn the change....or the loss...that will happen because of this decision. I do feel a loss. Right or wrong.....I don't know. It's just how I felt today.
I am praying that with time, I won't feel this loss anymore. I am praying that a year from now I will be dancing with the victory of what God has done in the following year in Luke's life. This is the verse that I am going to claim for this next year:
.....and you will praise the name of the LORD your God,
who has worked wonders for you;
Joel 2:25-26
If I doubted that I had any hope left....Hope smacked me in the choppers last night. It left me begging for more.
Posted by
9:37 PM
Sunday, December 7, 2008
God's Workmanship
Ephesians 2:10
This verse is my promise that God gave me for my Luke. I know that God has big plans for my little man. In the mean time, he is a 5 year old little boy.
And I am his Mom.
Luke and I, and his dad, too, are on a journey together. I would love to say that this journey has smooth paths, with clearly marked turns, round-a-bouts, and forks in the road. Being a person who hates the unknown, I would love to say that I know how to complete this journey from beginning to end. For us, these things aren't true all the time. So maybe instead of calling this a journey....I'm going to call it an adventure. We're on an adventure.
I've heard people say that life is an adventure. One definition I found for adventure is: an activity that comprises risky, dangerous and uncertain experiences. Since life, as an adventure, is usually a long adventure, I will assuredly believe that all of life is not risky and dangerous. Thank goodness. Yet there are certainly going to be times when life is risky or uncertain. For the last couple of months, our adventure has been a little uncertain. More uncertain for me than for Luke....and even for his dad. Maybe because I am the mom and my whole job right now is to raise my son and to make the best choices for him. I am his primary care giver. Okay....I make excuses. I, by nature, take all of life a little uncertain.
For the last couple of months, Luke has been struggling in school. For the most part, he has been thriving in kindergarten; but, in learning his letters and numbers, he has found a challenge. For a boy who loves an adventure....who thrives on adventure....he often "gives up" when things get difficult. When we play a game, if he starts to lose, he will stop the game and "rework" the rules...or just not play . Unfortunately, in the game of school, you can't change the rules. So, in my opinion, he has chosen no longer play.
It has been very difficult to watch my son struggle. When I have discussions with him about him being able to do anything he wants if he just keeps trying and never gives up, I want to cry and throw a little tantrum when he tells me "But, Mom, I've already given up on somethings." How can this smart little boy give up when he is only 5? It breaks my heart.
After a lot of prayer, and a lot of seeking advice, Tim and I have decided to pull Luke out of kindergarten for the year. We are going to give him the gift of another year to mature. This, for me, is where the uncertainty and the unknown I've alluded to in my previous posts, comes to light.
I know that we are making the best decision for Luke at this point in time. I don't believe that this decision will do anything but help him. I have just a lot of uncertainties lurking at me from around every corner. do I....a person who totally lacks teaching abilities, help my son get the leg up for next year. I'm going to be spending a lot of time researching things....praying....playing with my son and trusting that God, in His infinite wisdom, knows what He is doing.....and where He is guiding us on this little adventure.
I covet your prayers. I will probably be sharing more in the days to come. I've had more thoughts running around in my head than I know what to do with. This has affected me in ways that I would never have quite imagined. Yet, in all things, I will continue to believe that God is good.
Posted by
9:06 PM
Labels: Luke
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Thankful Thursday
-Cynthia Ozick
Have you ever had days where you feel like you haven't done a whole lot....but at the days end you are so exhausted that your body yearns to climb in bed? I have had one of those days. Yet on this side of it, it feels good to be on the other side.
Today I am thankful for:
- the wise people that God has put in my life. I feel so blessed. Knowing how hard it is for me to put myself out there, God has done well to place in my life the people He has. I am so thankful.
- For the affirmations and confirmations that I received today. They were such a tangible evidence of God's confirmation on a decision I feel He made a week ago. It took me that long to agree with Him. Life would be so much easier if I would just get in line with Him so much faster.
- That my husband heard my exhaustion and let us go to Costco for dinner. The thought of cooking a dinner and cleaning it up was more than I was able to handle tonight.
- That my daughter is being so much more agreeable with her piano practice. Oh how I needed that.
- For my family. Each one of them is a precious gift in my life. Without them, my life would be so gray.
Posted by
9:33 PM
Labels: Thankful Thursday
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
The Unknown
I hate it. Plain and simple. I hate it.
I am not sure there is anything good to say about the Unknown. It is stressful. It leaves way too much open for speculation. For a pessimist....speculation is never good. What is that old adage? Prepare for the worst, expecting the best. I'm sorry. One cannot prepare for the worst without expecting the worst, too. Besides, with the unknown, there is no preparing. And I think that is the root of my issue with the Unknown.
On the other hand, expecting the best seems like a recipe for failure and disappointment. What am I saying? (I'm totally chastising myself here.) I just threw Hope under the bus. Yet as I dance around with Hope and the Unknown, I feel like I am spinning out of control and about to be broadsided by a roaring bus.
Which one wins? Hope? Or the Unknown?
I'm trying to cast my vote for Hope.
Posted by
4:50 PM
Labels: life
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Growing Up.
Yesterday was a proud day for this Mom. It has been a while since I have taken a moment to acknowledge that fact. So, I guess I better get busy.
Yesterday, Daria received an award from school for being Responsible and a Good Citizen. I was happy to see that she is more responsible at school than she is at home! I suppose that she is learning something! I am always a proud mom when my kids do their best at school.
Then, last night, when she was practicing her piano, I heard her focusing on a particular part of a song. Usually, she is dashing through her practice, anxious to get onto other things. But, I noticed her playing this part over, and over again. I even heard her express some frustration. I fully expected her to throw a little fit and call it quits. Surprisingly she stuck with it and worked it out.
I was determined that I was going to acknowledge her accomplishment when she came back upstairs. I had spent a lot of time praying over her practicing last year. It was often a source of contention between her and I. So far this year, she is taking a lot more responsibility for her well as not throwing these fits about/during her practicing. It really has been weight off my shoulders.
Before I could even get a chance to acknowledge her good efforts, Daria came upstairs quite proud of herself. She gave me a blow by blow description of how she had worked through that troublesome spot. All I could do was smile and tell her I was proud of her for sticking it through.
My little girl is growing up.
Posted by
3:58 PM
Labels: Daria
Monday, December 1, 2008
Dumping my Heart and Mind
Here I said I was going to get back on track with my blogging. My mind has been consumed with thoughts bigger than I can handle. In fact, I haven't been handling them very well at all. When I am away from the computer, I find myself starting to organize my thoughts and develop a post in my head. Then, when my quiet time comes and my opportunity to blog arises, I find that my words are gone....replaced by a new tangle of thoughts that I am unable to unravel at that moment.
For the last couple of months, I have been wrestling. Wrestling with my thoughts. Wrestling with faith and what real faith looks like in this situation. Wrestling with the profound impact of a decision. When I am truly honest with myself, (which sucks, by the way), the issue I wrestle with smacks my pride. Ouch.
Do you ever wonder why God gives you what He decides to give you? God supposedly never gives us more than we can handle. Yet, when I lay in bed at night, when there is nothing to distract me, I talk with God. I tell Him that I can't handle this. I don't want to handle this. Don't you see, God, I don't want to mess this up. It's too big. Then I cringe because I feel like I have spoken out loud the doubt that swamps my spirit. (Like God doesn't already know!!) Is it doubt in God or is it doubt in myself? Doubt just seems so wrong. Can a mustard-seed-sized faith exist in a sea of doubt?
But you know....everywhere I turn God keeps telling me not to give up. In fact, in church BIG, and bold letters.....written on the wall, no less.... God said:
I guess that is how my mustard-seed-sized faith stays afloat. God keeps throwing out a little lifeline, and I wrap my arms around it and I cling to it with my last ebbing bit of strength. Somehow I have got to keep reminding myself of all these promises. I am thankful that God keeps throwing it back in my face.
Maybe I won't screw things up as badly as I think.....
Posted by
12:59 PM
Labels: Faith
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Ultimate Thankful Thursday
--Thornton Wilder
I wasn't sure I was going to be able to get on here and do a thankful Thursday post. The problem with the Modern Age is computers everywhere. It was quite amusing to see my family all cozy on the couches....everyone with their own computer. We joked that one of these days we will all be sitting around the living room, instant messaging each other instead of using actual words.
Even though the last couple of months have been difficult, and I don't see things getting all that much easier, I still must be mindful to be thankful. God truly has blessed me and to not acknowledge those things would be a shame. The theme of my life has been and will continue to be: To God be the Glory!!
So, today, on the Thursday that the whole nation decides to be thankful, I am thankful for:
- My home. I truly am blessed. God did so good in leading us to this house. With time, effort, and hard work, I fall in love with it all over again....all the time. In the world's eyes, it may not be a mansion, but to me, it is the ultimate mansion.
- For my husband. He puts up with quite a bit. For being a level-emotioned individual, he does fairly well put up with his roller-coaster wife. I am thankful for his hard work, his dedication, and his character. God is good.
- For my children. What beautiful children I have. God did so good when He made each one of them. Though, at times, they challenge me to the utter limits, I am so blessed. Each one of them is a fathomless treasure with so much left to explore. God is so good.
- For my kids' teachers. For Luke's teacher, who is so patient, so encouraging, and is going above and beyond. For Caden's teacher, who loves him and "gets" his sense of humor. For Daria's teacher, who trusts her and gives her more responsibilities. God is good.
- For my friends. They encourage me, stand beside me, help me, and pray with me and for me. God is good.
- For my church. I so love that place. God has filled it with beautiful people. I love to go there and feel the peace that surrounds me when I walk through the door. It truly is my second home here on earth.
- For my family. We have had a wonderful week together. So many times, I wished that we lived closer. Yet the times we have together are valuable gems we store in our memories. I could go on and on regarding this subject, but I'm sure I would soon be a crying mess. Just trust me here.
Posted by
9:58 PM
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Silent for too Long!!
I feel like I have been silent for way too long. I have been wrestling with God....or maybe more with myself...the last couple of weeks. As I have poured out my heart to God...I have almost felt like my words had been stolen for a while. Then just the mere fact that so much time had past, I couldn't even hardly look at my own blog any more. Yet to abandon it didn't seem right, either. My blog has been my lifeline in so many has been calling to me for several days now.
So, I have gave myself a mental kick in the rear end....and here I am. Brace yourself.
It has been a fun week this week. My family had arrived early for Thanksgiving....and the kids and I have been in heaven!! We love having family around. We probably wear them out. They are headed home on Friday, and I'm trying to find ways to make time stand still. Not working so well.....
Since Mom and Dad have been here, Mom has rearranged all my "pretties" in my house, and I feel like we live in a whole new house. Didn't buy any thing new....just rearranged....pulled things out of storage...and Voila!....a whole new house. Feels like I just want to be at home. I'm sure that puts Tim at ease that I'm not begging to throw everything out the window and try again!!
Yesterday, we had fun celebrating my sister's 40th birthday. I love that she is the older one. She breaks all those milestones before me....then it isn't so traumatic when I reach that goal myself. We had fun eating at Red Robin and eating Baskin Robbins cake for dessert. Luke loves birthdays....even when it isn't his own. He thoroughly enjoyed helping her celebrate the big day.
Late last night, my sister also picked up my brother in law from the airport after he spent 10 days in Morocco!! It isn't every day that I have a world traveler in my midst. It has been fun to hear of his adventures. He seems like he is dragging a little bit today....but hopefully he will get back on schedule for tonight and get a little more rest after many, many hours of travel.
My kids had school all this week as we have had family here. They had a half day today, so now that they are out of school, it is finally starting to feel like vacation has begun. I just wish Thanksgiving vacation was a little longer!! I guess I will just need to enjoy it while it is here....because once Monday comes....I'm sure that I will start to feel the Christmas rush barreling over me. ugh.
So, there is my summary in a fairly quick nutshell. I hope to be back on a regular posting schedule soon. I'm already starting to mull around my Ultimate Thankful Thursday for tomorrow. It is Thanksgiving.....a day set aside to solely for the purpose of being Thankful. So...put on your Thankful hats....and be prepared to be thankful!!
I know that I am.....
Posted by
3:14 PM
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Thankful Thursday
I love Thursdays. It always just feels like a breath of fresh air when I finally reach Thursday. What a wonderful day in which to be thankful.
Today I am thankful for:
- My precious Moms In Touch friends. I know I have said it before...and I am sure I will say it again....but I am so thankful for them. I am thankful for their consistent prayers for me and my children. I am thankful for their encouragement. My life would be so dark without them. God is good.
- For a weekend away. I went to Cannon Beach this past weekend to celebrate a friend's birthday. It was a wonderful girls only weekend. We did not much of anything....and that just felt so good. It was good to have a couple of days where I wasn't stressing over the things that I'm stressing over. God is good.
- For a precious verse that God drew me to today: "'Test me in this,' says the Lord Almighty, 'and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.'" Malachi 3:10 God is good.
- For the sunshine after the rain. What else can I say about that? God is good.
Posted by
10:28 AM
Labels: Thankful Thursday
Monday, November 10, 2008
Rock, Scissors, Paper.......and God?
I've been dieing to get on here for a couple of hours to share this little Luke funny, and my internet has been cranky. Tim finally whipped it into shape...and it seems to be behaving. Thank goodness. It makes me cranky when I lose my "connection" to the world!! (blush)
Tonight, Luke and I were playing with some bristle blocks. We have had them for years, but nobody in my house has really ever played with them. They have been more along the lines of just another thing for me to pick up. I've been so tempted to get rid of them, but I hung onto them hoping that someone would someday find them interesting. Luke, just today, decided that since he has them at school, that they are finally cool to play with.
Anyway, for whatever reason, Luke would set his "creation" down beside me, leave it there, but would always warn me not to break it. (Like I would!) Unfortunately, when he went to pick it up once, a couple of pieces came apart. So the deal, as Luke declared it to be, was that if I broke it, I was suppose to make something new. Whatever. So, I put the blocks together slightly different than he had it. At first, my creation wasn't good enough. But, after a closer evaluation, Luke declared it: "Good, Mom. Good." But, as he fiddled with it more, it came apart in his hands.
Well, to my Little Negotiator I now had to make something new again. But as I saw it, Luke broke it, Luke needed to do his own making of something new. So that was precisely what I told him. Lately, when things haven't gone as Luke would like, he has pulled out a new negotiation trick that I am assuming that he learned at school. The trick? To play rock, paper, scissors, and the loser has to do what Luke doesn't want to do. At first, I was a little leery playing that with Luke because I didn't want to do the things that Luke didn't want to do either!
I quickly found out that playing this game with Luke is quite predictable. He will always play scissors first. So...what does Mom always play first? You guessed it. Rock. That is extremely frustrating for my little Luke. So, he quickly tells me that I'm playing it wrong. "Mom, you play paper, and I'll play scissors. Okay? Ready? One. Two. Three. Shoot....."
Apparently, I am prone not to listen.
After this happened a couple of times, Luke pulled a fast one on me. As I laid out my rock for the third consecutive time, Luke placed his "scissored" fingers standing up on the palm of his hands as he declares that "I WON!" No way am I letting him get away with that. As I start to point out that rock beats scissors, he declares:
"But, Mom, this is God. And God wins every time. God beats everything."
Posted by
10:18 PM
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Another week has come and gone. New things to be thankful for.
This week, I am thankful for:
- The true finish of outdoor soccer season. As much as I love to watch my kids play soccer, by the time the end of October hits, and the rain comes, I'm done being outside. Let's move 'em inside!! The not having to dash out the door each night has been a breath of fresh air.
- A well spoken statement in the midst of one of my near-daily meltdowns. A simple line, but it has stuck with me this week and gives me hope that maybe I really am doing something right.
- For the flowers in my yard. Unbelievably it hasn't frosted my annuals are still blooming. Who'd of thought that I would still be enjoying them in November. Crazy! They do make for a bright spot in these gray, rainy days.
- For grace. Nuf said.
Posted by
4:44 PM
Labels: Thankful Thursday
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Inner Nudge
Today I followed through on a nudge that I felt God gave me on Sunday. For the first time in a while, I see hope. I've been clinging to God's promises....but my vision on how how God was possibly going to work has been beyond me. I have often felt that even though God promises something that Faith still requires us to do something. At times, I believe we have to be like the Israelites and put our feet into the Jordan before God stops the flow of water so that we can stand on dry ground. For the last couple of weeks, I haven't known where to place my feet. I've sure wanted to put them somewhere, but I didn't know where.
Sunday, as I was walking by someone in our church, I felt like God nudged me. It was this knowing in my heart that I needed to pursue a conversation with her in regards to my issue. I just knew. So, yesterday, I called her and arranged to visit with her today. Today, Luke and I went over there....and I sensed hope. I sensed direction. I think I may have found our Jordan. I at least know where I need to get my feet wet. Hope is a good thing.
I would love to believe that now our journey will be finished soon. Yet, I know that it will still be a long haul. I can't imagine how long it took for the millions of Israelites to cross over the Jordan...I'm sure it took a while. So I imagine it will take us a while to walk this journey. At least I have hope.
And, for now, that is enough.
Posted by
5:28 PM
Labels: Faith
Monday, November 3, 2008
Verses for This Day
I love to read. Fiction is my genre of choice. To say that I can't find truth in fiction would be a falsehood. Thank goodness...because God spoke to me today through a book of fiction. Thank you, Jesus.
I was reminded of a favorite verse of mine:
Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understand, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7
I've been having a lot of anxious thoughts. Praying, yes, but still lots of anxious thoughts. I need God's peace. The character of the book I am reading expressed my thoughts very well.
"'I'm not nervous. I'm scared to death. But God's giving me enough peace that I'm still sitting here, taking this ride. I'm here and I'm breathing, and right now, that's enough.'"
And then one final, precious verse:
My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9
Posted by
4:46 PM
Labels: Faith
Friday, October 31, 2008
So not there yet.....
As I was driving Daria to her piano lessons this morning, I was listening to a radio station that plays a lot of praise music. I've been waiting for days for them to play a song that I have just been needing to hear again, so I've been listening to that station faithfully any time I am in the van.
This morning, as we were driving, I had the volume down low as Daria and I were conversing. During a quiet point of the conversation, I thought that I heard a Christmas song. I turned it up, and sure enough it was a Christmas song. Okay...I Christmas song, I can handle that. Then a couple of minutes later....they were playing another. What????
Today is Halloween. We still have Thanksgiving to conquer before I really feel like Christmas season is here. This is just ridiculous. I am so not ready for the Christmas season. Can't we celebrate being Thankful first????
Posted by
9:19 AM
Repeat of Last Friday
Here it is 7:15 on a Friday morning. My kids don't have school. We have an insanely long day filled with way too many activities....and candy....and my boys have been up since 7:00. They are in their rooms at least....but they are up and feisty. I was hoping they would sleep longer today so that we wouldn't kill each other.
Here is our day:
9:00: Daria's piano lesson
10:20-11:40: Parent/Teacher Conferences (they'll have to entertain themselves while I visit with teachers)
2:00-4:00: Halloween Party at a Friends House (The Kids)/Decorating for Trunk or Treat (Me)
4:30 to 6:00: Back to church to finish Trunk or Treat set up
6:00 to 8:30: TRUNK OR TREAT!!
8:30 to Whenever-We're-Done: Cleanup for Trunk or Treat
Long day. Potential for a lot of stress and nasty words. Yesterday afternoon/evening was not pretty. Kids and Mom were crabby. I am not sure I can handle a repeat of yesterday.
Posted by
7:16 AM
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Today I am thankful for:
- Caden receiving a Character Award for the month of October. So proud.
- For the opportunity to help at the Harvest Festival at the kids' school today. It was a lot of fun.
- For my friend, Julie, who is also our church secretary. Her help and support in so many ways has been a blessing to me.
Posted by
3:50 PM
Labels: Thankful Thursday
Monday, October 27, 2008
Clinging to Promises
Trusting God and His timing is difficult sometimes. Especially when something is pressing so hard on my heart and mind that I almost feel like I can't breathe sometimes. I'm not very good at this "hope deferred" business....or at least glimmers of hope that get squashed by incoming doubts. Makes me so weary.
My precious Luke has stretched my faith probably more than any other event in my life. He has also increased my joy as well, too. Right now, he is stretching my faith. God has given me some promises for Luke and I am clinging to them with all that I'm worth. I'm trusting that God will do His thing in His time.....but I'd sure wish that He would hurry along.
Shortly after Luke was born, God gave me this verse for Luke:
"For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." Ephesians 2:10
Because of this verse, I truly believe that God has great things in mind for Luke someday. I am so glad that I've got a front row seat to see what He's gonna do.
Even though that is a wonderful promise, full of hope, Luke hasn't quite obtained the fullness of that verse. Right now, there is an issue that I'm really having to use every ounce of faith I have in order to keep myself together. As my heart has been struggling with it, God gave me another promise.
"Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest, if we do not give up." Galations 6:9
Do not give up. (sigh) It isn't a promise for a quick response. I must persevere. But I sure am looking forward to the harvest.
To God will be the Glory.
Posted by
2:32 PM
I love Mondays.
I never thought that I would get to a point where I would proclaim that I love Mondays. Oh...but right now.....I absolutely adore Mondays. In particular....I love Monday mornings!
Monday mornings are my only "free" morning of my entire week. The kids have gone back to school after a busy weekend. The house is quiet. I can eat my breakfast without interruptions. I can check my email and read the paper. I don't even have any places that I have to go to or people I need to see, unless I want to. Monday mornings can be so peaceful. I really love them.
Today, I have taken time to read the paper, check my Facebook account, send some emails, and listen to Awesome God like two dozen times. I feel like I could almost take on the world! Now, I am going to go out there and tackle some errands for Trunk or Treat night while I have no little beggars to mess up my plans. (Gotta love the little monkeys!)
Have I mentioned that I love Monday mornings?
Posted by
9:15 AM
Labels: life
Friday, October 24, 2008
Why is it?
Why is it on the days we have obligations and must get up early, I have to shake my kids, drag them out of bed, and prop them in the corner to get them dressed?
On the days where we have no obligations and they can sleep in as late as they want, they wake up at the same time as the other days? Not only that...but they are UP and playing and yelling and having a great time?
I was hoping for a sleep-in kind of day today. No such luck.
Posted by
7:55 AM
Labels: life
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Taking a Moment to be Thankful
I feel like I can breathe. The load of the week has come and gone....and I can breathe. Must mean that it is time to be thankful....for God is good.
This week, I am thankful for:
- The beautiful, glorious, heavenly, fabulous, gorgeous.....fall weather we have had this week. Even though it has still been chilly at soccer practice, it has still been so glorious to sit there with beautiful, blue skies overhead. The forecast looks like we should end soccer season with beautiful weather.
- Speaking of soccer.....OUTDOOR SOCCER SEASON FINISHES THIS WEEKEND!! No more 8 practices a week. No more 4 soccer games a week. No more sitting in the cold and rain...though rain hasn't been too much of a factor this season. Woo hoo. No more packing dinners because we get home too late. We might actually get to have dinners like a real family now. Praying that our schedule will now become more bearable....breathing room at least.
- My Moms In Touch friends. I am so thankful for them. How can I even begin to express how thankful I am for them? They stand with me through the best of times and the worst of times. When I feel like I can no longer pray, I know that they are there praying for me. They remind me of God's faithfulness when I forget. They are such a blessing in my life. I'm not sure that I could survive without their faithful presence in my life.
- My beautifully painted house. Just to look around at the beautiful new colors in my house has spoken peace to me this week. Beauty seems to do that.
- For Luke's teacher. For her confidence, for her patience, for her wisdom and direction. She has a faith that fills my heart with joy. She is another blessing in my life.
Posted by
4:43 PM
Labels: Thankful Thursday
Monday, October 20, 2008
Home Improvements: A Blessing
Soccer season is quickly winding itself down. Even though there is talk of indoor soccer, I think that the heat of the last two months is dwindling. This is the last week of outdoor practice. And I am so thankful!!
I have been so weary with our schedule these last couple of months. I have been fluctuating between feeling like I am conquering the world....all the way to feeling like I was being crushed by the weight of the world. (If I could only be consistent!! Curses.) So many times I have felt like I have taken two steps forward....just to be knocked down one. This week, my socks got blessed off....and soccer season is winding down.
Chuggin' to the finish line!! Yee haw!
So, enough about soccer getting finished up. On to the blessing. Part of the nagging-ness of the last couple of months has been my desire to get on with my Home Improvement Projects. A huge part of my life has felt "undone" due to these desire. That....and the fact that I hadn't moved all of my furniture back in place after we did our floors back in September. Well....can I just testify that my mom is a dynamo....and she blessed my socks off!
When I learned that Mom and Dad were coming for a visit this weekend, I was hopeful that, with a little help, I might get started on my painting project. I cannot even begin to tell you how many weekends I had hoped to get started...only to have our steamroller-life come barreling through. I figured that once I got started, I could keep the moment up and slowly work my way through my daunting project. Well....not only did my project get is almost finished.
My mom worked hard. And I mean hard. We started at 6:00 A.M. on Friday morning. We were at Home Depot before they even opened their doors. (Crazy Women...the Paint Guy said!) Mom painted all day....I tried to prep and clean things amidst numerous trips to the school to pick up kids from their field trips. Then, she still had the energy to work most of the day Saturday, too. Saturday was soccer I wasn't any help at all. But when the last soccer game was over, most of my house was painted....and it feels so good.
When I stop and think back over the many hours that Mom put into my house this weekend, and I think about our schedule, I think it would have taken me months, and I mean months, to get done what Mom got done this weekend. So anything that I say here doesn't even begin to cover the enormity of the blessing that my Mom gave me this weekend. Words cannot even begin to suffice. Impossible.
So, with no better words, here are a couple of "Before" pictures:
And now for the "After" Pictures:
Thank you, Mom. You have blessed me royally. I love you.
Posted by
9:19 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Today I have been blown away at the competition that is happening in the world of U10 Soccer. (Under 10 soccer) Personally, I have been looking forward to the outdoor soccer season ending. I'm burned-out big time on the go, go, go-ness of our schedule. I feel like I can see the light at the end of the tunnel....maybe.
Tonight, though, I have been wondering if, in reality, our soccer life is kicking into high gear. Withing 36 minutes of each other, we had 3 calls recruiting Daria to play on their indoor soccer team for the winter. They were all from the same team!!! With the fun of caller-i.d., I know the exact times of each call.
As we were headed out the door for soccer practice, at 4:53 p.m., we received the first call. It was a mom of one of the players....feeling out our interest and whether it would be okay if the coach could call us. I sort of left it open as a possibility for us. Since we were literally in the van on the way to soccer practice when she called, we missed the next 2 calls. At 5:01 p.m., we get the second call...from the coach himself. He chose not to leave a message. At 5:29 p.m., the team mom calls us to chat with us about the team. She left a message, so I returned her call this evening just to let her know we were thinking about it.
I find this hot pursuit to be absolute craziness!! Part of me is loving the attention that she is getting. I am amazed at the interest!! Personally, I think Daria is an awesome player. I guess it does my heart good to see that others agree! But the other part of me thinks that this is just lunacy....pure lunacy. Do these people really understand what they're doing????
The other part of the craziness, is that Daria's assistant coach has been advocating to get Daria on the elite U10 team here in town. In fact, he has arranged to have her and another girl (his daughter) practice with this team to see what the coach thinks. That happens tomorrow night and I'm kind of curious to see how that develops out. From the discussions that I have had with this assistant coach, it sounds like he has been advocating for Daria pretty hard. I find that absolutely stunning.
I think I am mostly amazed about it because she is nine years old. I never pictured her soccer world being this competitive at this early of an age. But then again, I never imagined that she would be as good as she is at nine years old!! Whatever happened to carefree childhoods and playing a game for the sheer joy of it? So far, I don't see her getting burned out on it. She seems to soak up any opportunity that she can.
Guess I will have to report back in the next few days or so. Her current coach hasn't asked me anything about whether Daria is going to play with this team during the winter. That is interesting.
This all just blows my mind.
Posted by
8:31 PM
Labels: Daria
Quandry of the Day
Is it possible to be grateful for, and resentful of, something at the same time?
I sure hope so. Otherwise, I am a total lost cookie.
Posted by
3:58 PM
Labels: life
Monday, October 13, 2008
High of 75
Just a little bit ago, I just got done writing a post about being grateful. Sometimes when I am struggling to keep it all together, I have to force myself to be grateful to remind myself of the blessings in my life. It is way too easy for me to get focused on "Life-with-a-capital-L" and find myself drowning in darkness. In fact, as I went to pick up my kids, I was just about in tears as Life-with-a-capital-L started taunting me. Satan must have kicked into overtime as I wrote my grateful post.
Then I come home and decide to take a moment to browse stuff on the internet. I should have been, as I should be now, dashing around trying to get stuff done before we dash out the door for soccer. For some reason, I decided I would check out my niece's blog. I love how God lays in your lap just what you need, right when you need it. Lyss wrote her blog almost a week ago....but it was just right for me today.
Good thing for her Auntie to hear today.
Thanks, Lyss....for letting God speak through me. Love you.
Posted by
4:23 PM
Well, we are closing in on the halfway mark of October. 8 games remain in our outdoor soccer season. In that regard, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. Sometimes, though, it is in the final stretch that things seem to be difficult. I can definitely tell that I'm a little worn around the edges with our schedule....and life in general.
I must admit, though, there has been good that has come out of the craziness in our schedules. The big thing is that I've discovered a homework routine that works for us. I was hopeful that that would occur. I've also learned that I can handle more than I thought that I was capable of. Granted, I haven't been the happiest with my load....but I'm proud of myself!! Giving myself a big ol' pat on the back right now.
Yet, today, when I am weary....when I look around my house and see all the stuff that has been neglected for longer than it should be...I need to take note of these things. The things yet to do seem insurmountable.....but I need to take a look behind at the things that I have done. And be grateful.
Today, as I pulled into my driveway after running an errand, I was reminded of another thing that I have been so grateful for. My home. This past week, a house in the Portland area literally slid down the hill....with the homeowner inside. Thankfully, she survived. But her house....and another house that was hit, are destroyed. Along with them, several other homes are listed as unsafe.
Craziness. Devastating craziness.
So, when I look at my home, with all the projects that need to be accomplished, I have to be grateful. Grateful that my home does not reside on a hillside....or next to a flooding stream....or in hurricane or earthquake territory. I suppose that any one of those natural catastrophes could happen....but they aren't terribly likely. And I am so grateful.
So, I am grateful. Be grateful that I have a home that needs cleaned, painted, organized, and put back together. I needed to tell myself that today when my load was beginning to drag me down again. Yes. I am grateful.
Posted by
3:00 PM
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Thankful Thursday
How long has it been since I've blogged?? I know that for some it hasn't been very long....but for seems like it has been ages. I keep thinking I am going to take a moment and get something out. Instead, I find myself dashing to the next activity, desperately longing for a nap. Even though I long to climb into bed right now, I can't let another Thursday go by before I am thankful. There should always be time to be thankful!!
So....Today I am thankful for:
- answered prayer. We had a great MIT last Thursday....and on Friday, one of my fellow moms began to see an amazing answer to our prayers for her son. This week, she had more good news to share with us. It was so fun to rejoice with her!!
- for Tim's job. With our crazy economy, I am thankful for the consistency of his work.
- for my beautiful, healthy children. I love their joy. I love their sweet smiles. I love their hugs and kisses. They really brighten my day.
- for the sun. It seems like all too quickly winter is descending upon us. We had glimpses of sun the last couple of days. I was just soaking it in.
- for friends. What would I do without them?
Posted by
9:06 PM
Labels: Thankful Thursday